Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Great Practice

I took Miley out to the field this morning and she was on fire. She did so many thing well. I couldn't be happier.



Here is the pinwheel. Running it felt great. But when I watched it on video, I'm not sure she realizes we are turning at the jump closest to you on the screen. What do you think? I still think it looks good but could it be better?



manymuddypaws said...

don't you just love that feeling?

Lian said...

Miley looks smashing in the vidoes! I did see she tried to take off early before the pink jump on the slow motion video.

Sara said...

Wow - when she's ON she's dead ON!

I think she knew the turn was coming, but I am no expert nor do I claim to be one.

Glad you to hear you had a successful practice!

Chris and Ricky said...

Miley sure was on fire! WooHoo - that rear cross at the weaves was so beautiful I had to watch it 4 times! The jumps look great - I too think she knew where she was going - I saw her turn her head over both jumps in the last video - the greenish one and the blueish one. Miley is just so awesome! You're doing a marvelous job with her!

kathy bordergirlsmom said...

YOU GUYS LOOK GREAT! I thought she looked like she knew where she was going and your rear cross before the weaves was great.

Diane said...

Wow, everything looks great! super weaves - and it looks as if she is well aware of the turns. Great job - you can send her off to me anytime, okay?

Dawn said...

She's a wonderful dog!