Here is a small complaint. People here do not believe in leashes, on or off the beach. It drives me crazy. They don't care that their dogs just go up to you or your dog. One big dog jumped on me and he was all wet and sandy. The lady was so rude. Did she think I wanted this big wet dog jumping on me. They have no control of their dogs, just let them do what ever they want. A few have been mean and tried to bite Miley. Ugh! I bet Ive pass over a 100 dogs so far and only 2 have been on leashes. And the only dogs that didnt try to approach us and were under their owners control where pit bulls.
I only took Miely's leash off to take this picture and no one was around.
Here are some pictures of the Chalk Art on the board walk.
I'm a firm believer in leash laws, and the enforcement of leash laws. People can be so inconsiderate of other people and their dogs, and it ruins it for the responsible dog owners.
Gorgeous photos of the beach, and the chalk art is fun!
I love the photo of Miley on the beach! I hope I get to go to the beach one day!
The pictures from the Chalk Art looks great, like them a lot. Beautiful picture of the sunset :o)
Miley looks BEAUTIFUL on the beach, and I know what you mean about people not being considerate with their dogs, when I take out my one dog that is really scared of other dogs it sets me on edge as long as we are out because I never know what dogs are going to come and jump on him and start a fight or just scare the crap out of him. My favorite thing is when another dog runs into his face or jumps on him and the owner is yelling oooh he just wants to play, like some of those people have no clue about doggie language and have no clue just because their dog thinks it is ok to play with everyone, not everyone wants to play with them.
Wonder what the local authorities are thinking not having (or enforcing?) leash laws? Can't be fun for anyone to have unruly dogs running loose. GREAT picture of Miley on the beach! She's such a good dog to sit there so still for you!
What awesome photos. I hate when people don't leash their pet AND don't have it under control.
Love those pictures!
I do not mind the dog is off leash if the owner has control over the dog and understand the interactions between the dogs but definitely not uncontrollable dogs running loose.
Love the photo of Miley on the beach!! She is so beautiful!
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