Yep, I'm 45 years old today. You know what is great about being 45 ? Its twenty years younger than 65. Lol.
I took the dogs to the park this morning. We walked the hilly park. We stopped because Guiness had to use the bathroom. Just then 2 foxes crossed are path. One was really big. When I first saw it , I thought "OMG its a coyote". But its face looked like a fox and the smaller one differently was a fox. They only stood there a couple of seconds and then took off. Thank goodness. There are lots of rabid foxes in South Carolina. The rest of the walk was non-eventful.
I watched the second DVD of Susan Salo. And I learned something. When we learn about dogs jumping, you learn that the perfect jump is the dog taking off 12 inches before the jump and landing 12 inches after the jump ( for a dog that jumps 12 inch bars). Susan said not in the real world. For a dog on course to be able to do that he would have to add extra strides and slow down. The dog will adjust its stride depending on what information he has and take off where needed. I never knew that. I thought your dog was suppose to have that perfect jump all the time. Hmmmm. I'm looking forward to viewing the rest of the DVD's. Also Shelties, and other breeds, tend to jump with there head up because they are so straight in the front. But jumping with the head up brings the butt down and greater chance for dropping a bar. Lots more to learn.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Happy Birthday Diana!
Who knew there was so much to learn about jumping? I thought that was the easy obstacle!
Happy Birthday :o)
Happy Birthday Diana!!!! Hope you have an awesome day!
Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday Diana!
We have plenty of foxes and rabbits and squirrels around here and my dogs always busy chasing something on their walk!! I thought it is very good they help me exercise them!!
Glad you enjoy Susan's DVD, I found it boring at some parts but like you I learned a lot.
Just dropping by, saw your blog on someone else's site. Happy birthday to you! Your dogs are gorgeous. I am currently training in Agility as well. We just started in April, and love it.
Happy Birthday!! Its the best day of the year! This is my birthday as well! I hope you have a wonderful day.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and many more. I will spare you the singing, LOL. Hope you had a great day. I did some tune up classes that were based on the Susan Salo stuff and it is so cool how dogs can learn to be thinking jumpers and adjust for things, adjust their take offs, put in little strides, all that stuff, and that sometimes they have to use different styles, like it is not always a nice rounded jump. I really found the class fun and it was so interesting. After you have pulled out the DVDs it is making me think I will pull out the dvds and work with my border collies who have not had that work! YOu have inspired me to get to work on that. AGAIN HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy happy birthday Diana! Katie and I hope you had a wonderful day. Sounds fun, the walk and the foxes and learning about jumping. Like Sara said, who knew jumping was so complicated. It's the part Katie likes the best!
Happy Birthday!
Susan Salo is amazing. I really enjoyed her seminar two years ago.
Can't believe I missed this! happy birthday Diana! Glad nobody took off after the foxes and that you had a nice walk.
Happy Birthday, Diana!
Happy Belated Birthday. Yum, cake for breakfast.
Dawn and Whisper
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