This is the wild jumpers course where she just ran her own course. I had a couple of late cues and it went down hill from there.
Here is our novice standard run. I released her before I was in position to cue the correct tunnel entrance so she took the wrong one. I put her in the correct entrance and finished running. This was our "Q" run , you are allowed one off course.
Someone asked me about running on the fake truf. It seemed ok to me. I saw just a few dogs slip. Several times I saw dobermans having trouble and I saw one sheltie slip coming out of the chute. Other than that it seemed ok. One problem was a dog peed on a spot and that spot then continued to be a problem for other dogs. They kept cleaning it but it was still a problem.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
That was an awesome standard run. That must be confusing having to do two different tunnel entrances on the same tunnel.
I love watching Miley run, even when she doesn't q. Love her drive. I think it must be so much harder on the handler though. Not sure if I would be up for that challenge. I'll just admire you from the sidelines.
I agree that Miley is so much fun to watch! Even her improvised jumpers course was fun (I'm sure it wasn't fun for you but you know what I mean)!
Miley sits so perfectly and quietly at the startline and then as soon as you take off the slip lead she is like "WooHoo let's do some agility!" It's really awesome to see!
Her contacts were awesomes!
She is so cute and so fast!
nice contacts. her jumpers run was sure entertaining. at least she had fun!
That was a gorgeous standard run and the contacts were marvelous. I notice in the jumpers run when Miley is doing a big arc and way away from you she launches earlier, wonder how much they have to do to read what is going on and how much might be something she can practice on, what might be inexperience, but maybe they do have to launch a little earlier in a situation like that??? Now I am going to have to watch a lot more videos on those type of turns and see what more dogs look like, LOL, a new obsession.
I saw some dogs do the same thing with a pinwheel where they keep going around in a recent trial, and you know at least she is looking for obstacles and reading to go in lines, Lizzie needs a little of that, so maybe we could give Lizzie a little of Mileys object focus and Liz could give Miley a little more of the handler focus in those situations where Liz would have just turned and barked at me, and then they will both be perfect. LOL!
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