Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cake for breakfast

Yep, that's what I had today. Actually I had cake and ice cream. We usually go out to dinner for birthdays but I was going to class so we went out for lunch. Then I left for class at 3pm to get to class by 5pm. So no time for cake. I didn't get home until 10:30. Cant eat chocolate cake then or I wouldn't be able to sleep. So I had it for breakfast and it was great!

I took a private lesson before class last night. We worked on Miley's jumping. We set up jump grids. You could really see were Miley got comfortable coming down the line. Her jumping and strides got better the further down she went. Also she was jumping head down. Miley is still young and her jumping will improve as she gets older and starts to get it. She did drop the first bar though. Sometimes she does this at trials too. Meagan told me to set her up different distances to the first bar ( at home) and see what works best for her. I have been setting her up to close to the first bar. She doesn't have enough time to get up to speed and then think about were to take off by the time she gets the to bar. After dropping the first bar, the next time Meagan told me to point the first bar out to Miley. So I did that and Miley had the funnest look on her face. Like, "What the heck is she doing now". Then I walked to the end. She didn't drop the bar but she was also set back 10 feet from the first bar.

Next was the contact and weaves class. I love this class. Its a drop in class. I think there were 4 people there. She sets everyone up in there own area of the field. Then everyone gets different things to work on depending on what your dog needs. So you are working and other dogs are working right around you at the same time. Its a great concept to me. Helps your dog keep focus on you while other things are going on. Miley did really well. Only missed one weave pole entrance out of probably 10. She did have some problems. Ran around the table and didn't want to get on. Ugh!! So I need to back chain the table. We worked on 3 jumps to the table. And back chained this and it worked really well. So what do you think happened when we did a different sequence with the table. She ran around it. SO I need to work on back chaining to the table. And take the table to different places. Make the table rewarding.
Below is one of the sequences I was to run with Miley. Our problem was front crossing after the weaves to the jump (# 3 to #4). She kept running in front of me to jump #5. I had to get a treat out and after the front cross give her a treat next to me and then send to jump #4.


Sara said...

Yum! I love cake for breakfast - good for you!

That looks like a tough sequence. The number 5 jump seems like the obvious choice for the dog to take. That's an easy one to set up in the backyard, maybe I'll try it.

We did jump grids in Misty's class once, and I totally did not understand what was going on. Now, I kind of see what the point of it all was. I know Misty "bunny hops" between jumps a lot, and that is probably not the best thing to be doing.

Dawn P said...

Nice sequence. These are the types of drills we used to do in class.

Chris and Ricky said...

Glad you got to eat your b-day cake even if it was for breakfast!

That sequence looks tough - we may have to try it in the backyard today!

Kathy bordersgirlmom said...

I think Miley is going to be a great jumper, she is just young, and especially since you are tuning it up. Cake for BREAKFAST sounds AWESOME, looks like an interesting course I will have to try it!