Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More on early jumping

I been spending hours watching video. Video from the trial and video from practice. I'm trying to see any patterns with early jumping. What I'm noticing is that the farther she is from me, the more likely she will take off early. Many times going into a pinwheel she takes off early. And this I already knew, if I'm down the line a little and she is behind trying to catch up, she will take off early. If she knows we are turning, she never takes off early. Im not sure if I should buy Susan Salo's jumping DVD or just use Linda Mecklenburgs book on jumping ( which I already have).


Morganne said...

Sounds like she is extending and jumping flat when you race her. Summit does the same thing. He used to drop a lot of bars but what I did to fix that was worked some of the extension exercises in the DJS book (always ended the session with collection exercises).

Linda's zig zag exercises is good too.

Chris and Ricky said...

Well, try Linda's book first since you already have it!

kathy bordergirlsmom said...

I have to say I have done a lot of Linda M jumping stuff but I think the Susan Salo stuff really does a heck of a lot to create a dog that is really a thinking jumper, I am amazed at all the things a dog has to do and to factor into to each jump to figure out how to jump well and how quickly they have to do that, I think it is amazing as many dogs jump as well as they do!

Dawn P said...

I thought when I watched the videos yesterday that it had to do with extension and not knowing when to take off - jumping flat also makes sense. I'd do Linda's stuff since you have it. There is a woman in my class who has been working with Susan (attending all her seminars and she's in NJ a lot) and my instructor thinks that it hasn't really helped the dog and has created some different problems for this particular dog. I think if you need to do some of Susan's stuff after, great but if the information you have works, I do that first.

manymuddypaws said...

i agree with Kathy in that from my very limited experience with both programs the Susan Salo seemed to get the best results.

Wicca is a horrible jumper so I've done a fair amount of jump work with her- her problem is quite different than Miley though- Wicca smashes and hurls herself INTO the bar, not over them :o)

Good Luck finding the root of the problem and fixing it!!