Miley resting at the training field.
For the last two morning it has been so nice outside. No humidity at all. By the afternoon its still in the 90's but the mornings feel wonderful. Yesterday I decided to work on my dogwalk. It has been out of commission for at least a month. About a month ago I fix the center cross piece. But the two ramps were looking really bad and I was afraid Miley was going to get hurt. So I have had it put up so she couldn't get on it. This weekend , with no humidity, it was a great time to start painting. Yesterday I put three coats of primer on both sides of the boards. And while I was at it, I refinished the table. I had to sand that and repaint it. It should be ready tomorrow. Today I put the yellow and blue paint, three coats, on the ramp boards. My husband took the old boards off the old dogwalk and I primed the frame. Hopefully I will finish it tomorrow.
Also since it was so nice I took Miley up the the training field. I set up the jumpers course that we did so badly on at the last trial. No problems there. Funny. One problem Im having is pinwheels. Sometimes she reads them well( like today) and is tight going thur. She will be next to or close to the side stanchion. But other times she goes very wide. I have watched video after video and cant see what I'm doing that is causing either. I look the same to me so I don't know why sometimes she is wide and sometimes she is tight.
We also worked the chute while we were up there. I realized if I'm going to rear cross I need to do it with lots of room. If I'm to close behind her, she will pull off. The other thing is if I give a right or left command, I need to do it after she is in the barrel. If I say "chute, right". She will turn right , before she gets in the chute. More work to do there but we are making progress.
I did a little contact work making sure she stays until I release her. She did self release one time on a front cross. We also worked the weaves alittle. She did well except for a tight rear cross right at the weaves and that pulled her out. So we worked that , I think it took 3 times, until she got it. Didn't do any table work just because I didn't want to over work her. Plus I have a table at home I can work her on.
This evening we did extension grids. She did really well. Ive been setting her back at least 10 feet for the grids and when starting a sequence and so far she hasn't dropped the first bar. I hope that keeps up.
That was today, painting and agility.
That sounds like you got a ton done today. good job! Maybe you would like to come and work on my equipment-it sounds like you are on a real roll, so perhaps you would like to keep going?, hahahahahaha.
Wow! Sounds like you and she had a great day! I bet she loved running in the lower humidity! She sounds like she is just so smart! To know left and right! What a good girl!
Wow - you got a lot accomplished!
You sure did get a lot done! Good for you!
Congrats on such a productive day, sounds like Miley is doing great.
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