Camera with wide angle lens on.
Camera without wide angle lens.
I saw this wide angle lens on the Internet and wondered if it would work with my camera. So often when Im video taping by myself, I cant get in everything that I need to see. Well today I was at BestBuy and they had it there. So I thought I would try it out. It fits on the end of my little casio exslim camera. It does add a couple of feet the the view. If you compare the pictures below you can see the first picture, with the wide angle lens on, adds the other end of the tunnel and two jumps ( left side of the picture). That's a lot for me. I was able to work tonight and see everything I was doing. Now the lens isn't a tight fit, so you couldn't walk around with it but it stays on when on the tripod. ( just a note: when I uploaded to my blog I lost some of the picture. The first picture with the wide angle lens also showed the two jumps to the right. Im not sure what happened to it during the upload)
With wide angle lens on.
Without wide angle lens.
That is neat, it is so hard to take pictures yourself and get a whole sequence so a wide angle lens....that is a neat idea
What a cool thing! I am always wishing I could fit more in the view, and can only go back so far.
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