Also on Friday after the open fast ring, I went and clipped her nails thinking they were too long and causing a problem. It helped a little. So today I lowered the a-frame, took some treats and ran over the a-frame. It looks ok, not as creepy but not fast either.
So later in the day I went out again and this time put a jump bar over the top of the a-frame. I also took a toy outside and no treats. It seemed a little faster. We tried using a stop watch to time the two different runs but I think I need a new stop watch. We couldn't get any consistent times.
But even with the inconsistent times the second runs were a little faster then the run this morning. Was it the toy? The jump bar? And why has she slowed down so much?
Here is a picture of something my husband surprised my with when I got home.
Its such a great idea. It will hold a lot of ribbons and then I got the idea of hanging agility photos on it too. I went out and just bought those plastic stand alone frames. Put the pictures in, and slipped them right into the slots. I even hung some of Guiness's pictures. Right now its in the dining room but I'm going to move it some place else.
I put a photo int0 the PVC jump picture frame to give you a better idea of how it looks. I will hopefully get a better picture to put in it.
Absolutely love the ribbon-hanging shutter thing!! Way too cool! Look at all of Miley's ribbons too!
Ok, just my opinion, but I don't think Miley is injured at all. Do you think she worries about doing the "touch" and that she slows down to make sure she gets the 2o2o? I will be interested to see what people with lots more experience than me have to say.
When she was really slow she seemed to be scrambling and not striding, I would wonder if she was hurt or worried about the end of the Aframe and not understanding that you want speed, so she was being careful??? I wonder if she could have stubbed a toe awhile back and is still worried about it or remembers that it hurt then? If it was me...I would do EXACTLY what you did and lower it a bit and just reward for speed, you could use stride regulators if she does that scrambling once it gets back up to full height, after you are sure she is not hurting, but her stride looks good and when you were doing the practice with the jump, that gave you a gorgeous stride on the downside, in that practice she looks great, I did not see any sign that she looked like she was hurting... Maybe she just needs some muscle memory with the jump or some type of stride regulator to remind her. I just wish they could talk to us and solve these mysteries
I know that with Marge's A-Frame, it was the 2o2o that was slowing her down. She was really straining to get into position so she creeped down it and then slammed her body into position. We're still in the process of re-vamping our contact criteria - right now we have none! LOL! I don't know what you've tried with her A-Frame, but do you think a modified running with a down on the floor instead of a 2o2o might help?
What a great idea to display your ribbons! And the picture frame looks awesome.
Wow. Truly was doing the down the side of the AF thing for a while as well. She did break her toe nail, and it grew back at a funny angle. I have thought that maybe this is when she started performing this way on the AF. I think that the slats bothered her when her toe hurt and she is such a baby, that she started to do it funny.
some thoughts from me... for what they are worth.. :)
i would think that the training without slats at home for quite a while then asking her to perform aframes with slats in show would definitely cause her to think/worry. i also noticed in the videos when she was starting to slow down, she would not completely stop 2020, so then i think she could be confused as to what the criteria is because she was allowed to go. i of course always have my dogs looked at by a rehab vet when performances drastically change to at least rule out any injury. she could have something as simple as a jammed toe that needs stretching and she would bounce right back... but i like to play it safe and rule out injuries first.
i have also been reading a lot about the core and rear end strength it takes to perform a 2020 (this issue of CR, by Deb Saunders) You might think to start some disc and ball work if you dont do this already.. i have been playing with it for a few months now and its amazing the extra strength and power my girls are developing. :) good luck!
Cute idea for your ribbons and photos, what a great way to show off your achievements! Riley has started creeping down the A-frame as well, which is weird because it's her favorite obstacle. She has a great 2o2o, so I brought out the targets and that got her moving again. I need to remember to make things fun all the time and not take things for granted. I'd definitely eventually like to get her doing a running contact on the A-frame though, because as she gets older I don't want her slamming her shoulders. If you come up with a way to fix the "creeping" I'd love to hear it!
Love the ribbon display. Nice job Diana's hubby!
The last video showed much improvement in speed, for what reason? I have no clue! Whatever was going on there seemed to be working.
I don't think she's injured, but you would know best since you see her all the time.
I agree that she looks much better with the Jump bar there. I think she is slowing down because she knows she's going to stop. "Why hurry down when I'm just gonna stop??" (they're smart that way!!)
Have you tried a running A-frame with her?? Her stride on the times with the jump bar there looks perfect for it--she's hitting around the 2nd slat with her 1st "touch"...the next one would take her into the yellow, I bet. My Annie does the top just like Miley did on those tries, and she hits the yellow 99% of the time.
Good luck...she's really running great for you!
I have my own A Frame problem with Saturn, so I may not be the right person to give ideas but with Saturn, we know that he didn't understand what I want from him on the A Frame, this is why he is creeping down. When I put Miley's video and Saturn's video together, I can see them exactly did the same thing. This could be it? I definitely don't think Miley is injured as she is doing well on other part of the agility with no problem at all.
If you think Miley is keener on the toy, maybe you want to try to leave the toy at the bottom of the A Frame to speed her up?
Love you ribbons hanging, that's brilliant idea! Also, the picture frame is so good! I want one!!!
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