Every school year I only have 7 days off . Which isn't much but I realize that I do have a lot of time off. The summer, Christmas, and spring break. To bad none of that coordinates with any agility stuff. Ive signed up for some trials but they are on the weekend and I didn't sign up for any Fridays.
Here is what I have scheduled so far:
Jan 24-25 BRAC trial
Feb 14-15 Savannah dog training club ( my parents live about 10min for the site)
Feb 23-26 Seminar in Vera Beach Fl.
March7-8 Charlotte trail ( I can drive back and forth)
April 4-5th GCOC trial ( here in Columbia)
April 19th ASSA trial Perry Ga.
The seminar is in Florida and I will have to take 4 days off from work. Its a 3 day seminar but I think I will need the 4th day to drive back home. The seminar is given by Ann Brue, Jen Pinder and Karen Holik ( not sure I spelled all their names right)
I sign up for the Sheltie nationals . Its a one day trial on Sunday. I'm going to watch a friend from college do herding with her sheltie on Saturday . We haven't seen each other in a long time. She was my college roommate. It should be lots of fun. But I'm going to take Monday off from work to drive back home. I don't have to do that. Its only 4 hours from home but I may be tired.
So that is 5 days. Ive already used one day for something earlier this year. That leaves me one day. Now the dilemma. Our club has brought Karen Holik here right before the trial. They are doing a mini seminar one day . Its three hours. I would have to take a whole day off from work. I'm just not sure its worth it. I really wanted a whole day seminar but I was voted down. I don't want them to think I don't appreciate their work in bring her here. Its just I'm not sure that 3 hours is worth taking my last day. I could come back from Sheltie nationals Sunday night and that would give me an extra day. I cant take the day off on Friday for our club trial ( April 3-5) because that is the day before spring break starts and you are not allowed to take the day before or the day after a holiday off. Which I feel bad about but there is nothing I can do about that.
What to do? And then what if something happens and I need to take a day off for non-dog stuff and I don't have any days left. That's the problem with working at schools. You cant just take an hour off to go to the doctor. You have to use your time in 1/2 days or whole days. And if your appointment is right at the 11am hour , your going to have to use a whole day. So I just don't know what to do.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
I can't believe they only give you seven days off! That is horrible.
Don't take a day off for your club event out of guilt. Only do it if you really want to. It is OK to say no!
It's tough making those decisions - mom and dad have similar vacation time issues being musicians. They have a lot of time off but not on their own schedule (like they work most weekends). Makes trials potentially difficult....
No I cant take 1/2 a day because the seminar is from 9am-12. And for me to do 1/2 a day , I have to be back at work at 11am. Diana
Well, I dont know what I would do, but,...that seminar is going to be awesome, I wish I was going! I hope you let us all know some of the things you will learn. I think it is unfortunate but I personally would just have to miss the half day seminar and I would let them know that I was really sorry but when you have to take time off it is a big deal. I had to miss a seminar one time that my instructor was really mad I had to miss because she had got this person to come, but they arranged it in the middle of the week and I have kids and no one to take care of them, so...sometimes you have to take care of your life as harsh as that might sound.
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