Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hope this isnt how 2009 is going to be

Today we took the dogs for a 4 mile walk in the woods. Came home and my husband started to watch the football games. Put a pizza in the oven. Took the pizza out and placed it on top of the oven. We each had a couple of slices. Next thing we hear is a pan hitting the floor. I turn around and Guiness is running out through the doggie door with half a pizza in his mouth. I don't know how he got it through the doggie door in one piece. It looked huge compared to his head. Luckily it fell apart outside and my husband got half of it back (not to eat). Man, I hope is doesnt upset his stomach. My husband said , "If he can jump that high to get a pizza off the top of the stove, he can jump the poles outside." ( you know, run agility and burn off excess energy. ) My daughter said, " Did you see how happy Guiness was?". HA!!!


Sara said...

LOL!!!!! I bet the dogs will be licking the sauce off the dog door for days.

You must be starving.....

Rags, W said...

Nice pictures. I like dogs. Most of the time make more sense than humans.

onecollie said...

that's so funny! It has to be something with pizza, my puppy stole pizza off the counter!

Dawn said...

What a little stinker he is! I think he's been holding out on you and would love to get back to agility! Maybe he's been practicing while you weren't looking! LOL! :)
Happy New Year!!

Chris and Ricky said...

HaHa! Can't believe Guiness jumped that far and grabbed the pizza!! And we hope he doesn't get sick!

Happy New Year though!!

Johann The Dog said...

Guess the 15 sec rule doesn't apply? Too funny! Happy dog :)

Happy New Year!

Kim said...

Funny!! ... and that's because I can relate to the pizza stealing.

Lian said...

I like that! Maybe you can use pizza as a treat for training? I love your Guiness, he always look so happy in the photos!