I woke up this morning and felt sad today. I'm not really sure why and I couldn't shake it. It could be that my husband has been gone for a week in China. Then that plane crash in New York. They just keep talking about it. I already worry alot when my husband flies and that just adds to the worry. It could be that I didn't walk the dogs this morning. It was just to cold. I think it was 17 degrees out. Now I know that's not cold for most of you who are zero or below. But for us, that's cold. I truly don't know how you stand to live in temperatures that cold. Both my thumbs and one finger are cracked open. I'm hoping with a 3 day weekend they will heel. Then I took my daughter to the church where they are going on a retreat up to Gatlinburg, TN. Something else for me to worry about. Driving in a van 4 hours through the mountains of NC and TN. If you have ever driven route 40 through the mountains , its scary. The highway runs along the side of the mountain and if you go off the side, bye ,bye......... And people fly through there, like I said , scary! But I just talk to my daughter and they got there safely. So that is good. Then I had to make sure my son woke up for his employee meeting.
This afternoon I walked the dogs at the park. It finally got above freezing so I felt I could walk the dogs without my fingers hurting. I guess we walked about 3 miles and I think the dogs had fun. Some of the water areas had ice on them and Miley kept trying to get a piece of ice. I tried to get a picture because she blows bubbles in the water. Very cute.
17 degrees is pretty darn cold - I feel your pain. Let's hope we all get some warmer weather, to lift our spirits!
I couldn't help but notice your bloggie...such beautiful dogs. We live in Chattanooga, TN and wondered if we're close? It was about the same cold here...but I have 2 siberian huskies who love the cold. So we're out all the time.
Painter Pack Mom
Sherri, we are about 4 hours from Knoxville. Thanks for reading our blog. Diana
I'm sorry I laughed when you said 17 was cold!...I'm from Canada & if it was 17 I'd probably put a bathing suit on, hahaha!, that's if I looked good in one!
Anyway, sorry you were sad, I was sad for no reason last week, so I went on line & bought a collie print that I have been looking at for years, cheered me right up!
That is nothing, I'm in iowa and it was 25 below!
I figured some poeple would be laughing when I posted the temp. and complained that it was cold. Ha! But just think how happy you will be when summer is here and we are in sweltering heat. You can only work your dogs before 7am bucause the dogs cant take the heat. Diana
Hope you are feeling much better today! We have been out of sorts too because it's been too cold to walk and we are really used to getting out there and breathing fresh air.
Glad to know your daughter made it to Gatlinburg safely and hope your husband also continues to have a safe trip!
Hope your sadness has gone away for awhile! I have family in Charlotte, and Alabama, and I know that 17 is really really cold down there! I think the walk with the dogs is just what you needed. Whenever you feel down, the dogs will be right there for you. Hope your husband is home soon, and your daughter too. That might be why you felt sad, having half your family far away. That's OK...everyone will be home soon!
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