So I skipped a few steps when doing to box a-frame work. Oops, poor Miley. When you are trying to retrain from a 2o/2o to a running a-frame with the box you need to break the stopping motion of the 2o/2o. You do that by putting the dog into the 2o/2o position ( no verbal cue) then put the box on the ground in front of the a-frame. Release her to the box by saying "hit it". Put yourself in all the handler positions. Once she gets that, move her up a little on the a-frame and start again sending her to the box. If she stops in the 2o/2o position, wait her out . (Miley didnt have that problem)
So I started this evening wanting to just do a few running a-frames. Just to see if we still could run like yesterday. Uh, she couldnt. Didnt get it right once. Crap. Meagan had emailed me and told me to watch the DVD again esp. the stuff on retraining from a 2o/2o. Why didnt I do that first? Uh because I know better. Lol
Sometimes Im hard headed. So after the failure, I went inside and watch the DVD. Oh, now I see the problem.I couldnt figure out why she wasnt recognizing the box on the a-frame when I said "hit-it". Once I put the box on the ground in front of the a-frame she started recognizing the "hit-it" command again. I didnt watch any more of the DVD so I wouldnt push things. Who me? Never. LOL Thanks Meagan.
Today was Nurses Day. At school I got a wonderful basket and a 20 dollar gift card to PetSmart. Best nurses gift Ive ever received.
I am so glad to know that I'm not the only one that can watch something and then go right out and forget an important step in training. LOL
Looks like she figured it out nicely in the video. :-)
I've got so confused re train Saturn to all his contacts. I really admire your patient to retrain Miley's A Frame. It's hard work but you both did great!
Love your flower basket, especially the Reese's peanut butter! Yummmmm
Happy nurse's day! How thoughtful of them to get you a gift card to buy dog stuff.
I agree with Lian, you are patient to stick with all this training. It is hard work. Who'd thought you would have to literally untrain your old training to teach the new stuff.
What a pretty basket and great gift!
Miley is always so happy and ready to work - it's just so cool to watch her with you - she's like - yay! 2o2o! and then ok, yay! Hit it!! Whatever you want mom - I can do it!! Good for you for sticking with it and figuring it out - she'll be running that aframe in no time!
I did a double take at first, because Roxy was there and it was like there was some sort of double image for a moment!
Good job with the retraining! And very cool getting a gift card to buy doggie stuff for Nurse's Day!
What a fun present-someone knows you well!
That is the story of my life, trying to go too fast and the hurrieder I go the slower I go, LOL. That was a really nice basket!
Miley is just darn cute!
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