I hadn't seen any problems with her leg for a week. So today I decided to take her to the training field and have my husband tape her. He was just to keep the camera on her to see if I could see any problems. I had her do a couple of 4 jump sequences. I looked at the tape in slow motion. I didn't see any problems. She used both legs just alike as she took the jumps and went over. I didn't see anything between the jumps. Then I ran her over the dogwalk. The first time I didn't see anything, but the second time coming down the ramp to a stop I saw something. She had a weird gait coming down. I don't know if you can see it or not. Its more visible when I have it larger on the computer screen.
So at least I have something tangible to show the vet. I was feeling really depressed about this. I feel like its Guiness's problem all over again. He had just started going to trials. I didn't stay to pick up a winning 1st place ribbon in a open standard class. I think 35 dogs ran and only 2 Q'ed. I was tired and wanted to go home. Well , the last trial Miley was at I didn't stay to pick up her ribbon. It was a little different because I didn't know she placed. I just knew she Q'ed. Also I had signed Guiness up for an agility camp and had to eat that money. Well, I'm signed up for a camp with Miley Feb. 22nd. Ill probably have to eat that money too. I felt like crying most of the day. I know there are so many worse things in life than this. Ive taken care of kids that have died. That's something to cry about, not this. So after taking Guiness to his freestyle class, I came home and looked at the tapes again. It doesn't look as bad as it did in my head. I moved some fencing in the yard so the dogs have about 10 feet of yard to use the bathroom but they cant run around. I put stuff on the furniture so she cant jump on and off. Ive been carrying her up and down the stairs. Well, we see how tomorrow goes. One other note. Im thinking of going back to a running contact. Just think, the dog is running full out and we ask them to stop. That a set up for injury if you ask me. I dont know, it just something going thur my head.
6 hours ago
We're so sorry that you are making yourself sick over worrying about Miley's leg. Please don't assume the worst - we know it's hard not to - but really you don't know yet if there is anything wrong and you for sure don't know that Miley is like Guiness! Tomorrow you go to the rehab vet and see what they have to say. Keeping her from running and jumping is a good thing because it can only help her and it gives you something proactive to do for the time being.
We agree that running contacts are the way to go - we never liked the idea of dogs running full-out and then coming to a complete stop. But Miley is so fast that the 2o2o would've given you more time to get into position for the next obstacle. It'll be tough to keep up with her without the 2o2o. But no doubt her health is the most important thing.
Sorry for rambling. Wish we could say something to make you feel better but we are thinking about you and will hope for good news tomorrow!
It's hard to say-but I'm watching the video on a pretty small screen. I agree with the stopping on the contacts being tough on the dogs. The trainer and vet part of me argue about it mentally but I have for now stuck with 2o2o becuase I think it's going to be really hard to get my dog to do a running contact cleanly. Also at a trial last weekend I saw a dog hurdle the top of the a-frame and land in a heap at the bottom-he was ok-this time. But I can see that running contacts could have danger issues too if the dog is out of control. I guess like any other sport-canine, equine, or human we have to realize the risk of injury is there. I don't work the contacts excessively and keep my dog at a good weight and on a joint supplement-at least we are trying to keep the scales tipped in our favor. If Miley strained a tendon or ligament those can take 4-8 weeks to heal fully. I treated an agility sheltie who would intermittently limp a little and ultimately diagnosed some tendonitis in her biceps area. After 30 days of crate rest and rimadyl she is doing great. Good luck.
I'd go and have it checked out just to be on the safe side. We watched it a few times but it's difficult to say... Good Luck!!!
Nikki had great advice for you (of course) and I second that- Wicca had a soft tissue injury and it took almost a month and a half to heal.
You should also make sure that you are warming her up before every run and cooling her down as well. The cool down is just as important as the warm up.
Yes, 2o2o contacts can be hard on their bodies but with Wicca there is no way she is running off. I don't think I can teach it properly (I have not seen a running dogwalk that I loved except for Silvia Trkmanns) so I stick with my 2020 but don't overdo the practice, and no longer go for four 7's if it is an a-frame in snooker anymore. I also won't do back to back frames in gamblers either anymore...
Just some thoughts.
I watched the video quite a few times, its hard to say. She does have a nice fast dog walk. If it helps, I am going thru the exact same thing with Hannah - although most of the time she seems just fine, every once in a while I think I see something off in the way she moves. Hopefully the vet will be able to give you some answers.
Sounds like you've got good advice here. Good luck at the vet!
I think to me it looks like her knee, and you are catching it so early that I am sure you are going to be able to get her totally 100% very quickly, but gosh I know what it feels like to worry about these type of problems especially when you have been through the worst before. I am also reconsidering running contacts with my guys....maybe I should slow down on Cherrys contact training and just go for a running contact, she already has enough problems with her body , ;-)
It would be hard to actually see a problem on the dogwalk especially on the downplank. She is putting the brakes on as she descends so what she is doing with her rear may be just because of that. So I wouldn't put too much emphasis on that video.
All my shelties have been taught 2/2off with no injuries. They had been taught to shift their weight to the rear so that the impact is not so great. So don't let that be your only reason to change.
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