I just got back from the rehab vet. She did see the little skip I saw the other day when she had me walk her up and down the hall. She still had some reaction to the toe but not as much as last time. She felt like her right knee had a little more laxity in it than the left knee. And after she was done messing with it and I put Miley on the ground, she off loaded weight off her right leg. Although she didn't show any signs of discomfort like the toe. First she wanted me to bring Miley back to sedate her and retest the knee for laxity. And do x-rays. I asked if we could just do the x-rays now. So we did. Then the whole time I'm praying , "Please don't let there be any effusion in the joint". Well the x-rays, she felt, showed a tiny amt of effusion. She tried to show it to me. It must have been very suddle (sp) because I kept looking at the left and then the right and couldn't see the difference, even with her showing me what she was seeing. She did say is was very slight. So these were my choices.( 1) See a surgeon, but she didn't think they would do anything because everything is so slight. (2) Have her rest and Rimadyl. (3) sedation and manipulation. (4) strength training. I picked 2 and 4. So she will rest and do Rimadyl for 4 days. Then Wednesday - Saturday I will bring her back for underwater treadmill to strengthen her quads. Then it will decrease to probably twice a week and she how she does.
So I guess that isn't the most horrible news but not the best either. She also took an x-ray of the hips, they looked good. I called and canceled my camp in Florida.
Roxy seems to be up and down. One day she seems fine, they next day she isn't. I guess that's just life.
6 hours ago
I'm glad to hear you have a course of treatment set up, and I hope it all works for Miley. I never heard of an underwater treadmill for dogs! That's great ~ works for humans, why not dogs.
Sorry about camp.
Sorry to hear this news, but maybe it will be fixed by rest and drugs and therapy. I hope so! She sure loves to run!
Poor Diana, you really have been through a lot lately, especially with Miley. I hope the underwater threadmill works out for her, maybe taking her swimming as well?
Yes, we're sorry to hear about Miley's continuing troubles too - hopefully now that you have a plan of action, she will heal and get back on track. It's going to be a long 4 days of resting her, though. Glad you didn't get super bad news.
We also hope Roxy gets back to normal soon! Gosh you just don't need any more sick or injured dogs!
Good luck with Miley this week - we'll be thinking about you every day!
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