I'm leaving today to go to a Karen Holik seminar. Its just a one day seminar on Sunday. She will be covering handling and obstacale discrimaination. Should be fun.
I finally finished my dogwalk. Just in time for me to go back to work. I really wanted to rubberize the dogwalk, but I didn't. I wish that trials here had rubberized contacts. The last trial I was at, multiple dogs fell off the dogwalk. It was a wrap out of the tunnel on to the dogwalk. Most dogs fell off on the flat cross piece. So they fell off and hit the tunnel. It was scary and really worries me now that we are in open. They love that set up in the AKC. Also if you watched the EO in Holland this year, they had rubberized contacts. I'm sure that one dog would have fallen off the dogwalk in the finals it they weren't rubberized. Also alot of people wrapped a jump to the right and had a weird angle onto the a-frame. I was wondering how all those dogs were getting up and across the a-frame without much difficulty. If they wrapped the jump to the right they didn't have any momentum and the angle was horrible. But they all did it easily. I hope they make rubber contacts mandatory soon.
Miley is much better and Stephanie is improving. But now Guiness is limping on his front right paw. We started to go for a walk last night, and he was limping bad. I'm not sure what happened. So we didn't walk and got back in the car and drove home. He still has a slight limp this morning but much better than yesterday.
I also started a face book. Its a delemmia because I really just like posting on my blog. But it allows you to talk to some people that you normally wouldn't get in touch with. Plus facebook seems confusing to me. Most of the time I have to ask Stephanie to help me. What will I do when she goes to college in a couple of years.
The most exciting news is I'm finally getting new carpet in my living room/ dinning room area. When we moved into this house 8 years ago it came with white carpet. Not something a person likes when they have kids and pets. Needless to say it has lots of stains on it that I cant get up. I have cleaned it multiple times. Its been so embarrassing to have that yucky carpet in there. Its the first thing you see when you come to my house. I usually will walk around and come out the garage if someone rings the doorbell. That way they cant see the carpet. I was so embarrassed when my mom and dad came. Then my sister and then my husband's friend. SO now my sister -in-law is coming and I decided I couldn't stand it any longer. Monday the new carpet comes. And its not white. Its a dark color. Yea!!
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Have fun with the seminar! Facebook will come to you, you'll be an old hand at it by the time your daughter leaves for college. I'm on facebook, look me up! :) Congrats on the carpet..new carpet is always a good thing!
Have fun at the seminar! Glad the grils are better but sorry about Guiness. You are a bit unlucky with them at the moment, hopefully all well soon.
I have a facebook account and I definitely prefer blogging! More fun!
Yippie, new carpet! I can not wait until we can replace our flooring. Hope you have a great time at the seminar, can not wait to hear what you learn. Poor Guiness....wonder what happened?
Lucky you getting new carpet! The dogs always puke in our guest room (why?). I keep telling Jeff we need new carpet in there - puke colored! LOL.
Glad to hear Stephanie and Miley are getting better. Now Guiness..boy you can't catch a break.
Enjoy your seminar.
Hope you enjoy your seminar tomorrow! Glad to know Miley and Stephanie are getting better but sorry about Guiness' limp!
New carpet is great!
Mom just got a facebook account too (pressured into it by a friend). And she doesn't understand it either!
Hope you have a nice time at the seminar.
Seems like several of us have given in to starting up facebook accounts lately. LOL I still am trying to figure it all out too.
Enjoy your new carpet. Several years back we re-did our floors and decided to just replace all the carpet with wood floors. It was the best decision ever. So much easier to clean with all the dogs, plus at the time we were still doing a lot of fostering for the local rescue and the wood floors were just a lifesaver then.
I was talked into facebook by a friend. It's nice but I like my blog better, I don't know why everyone couldn't just read the blog but I do keep in touch with some people more than I otherwise would. But now it's like, check the blogs, check the fb, update the blog, update the fb, not to mention email...
I just joined FB about a month ago. Still post to my blog but FB is great for short quick updates.
Karen Holik is awesome! I had a session with her at C-Spot-Win camp. You guys will have a lot of fun.
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