Did you know that harnesses cause paralysis in chihuahuas? Yep. I went to walk Mickey today and decided to use a harness because of his cough. ( His cough is much better) I didn't want his collar pulling on his neck. I put the harnesses on and he couldn't move. He wouldnt take one step. I had to switch back to his collar. See, harnesses cause paralysis. Lol!!! Silly chihuahua.
Guiness foot seems better too. I hope its not just the medication that is making it better.
I went back to work on Tuesday. I had to work 11am to 7pm. They were doing registration and wanted the parents to be able to talk to the nurse. Not to many people came to talk to me. It made for a long 2 days. On Tuesday, I was running around trying to get things done around the house before my family came for a visit and I had to be at work. So I walked Miley, was cleaning bathrooms and making lasagna. Do you know what Guiness did?? He peed on my bed. Shocking , I know. He has never peed in the house, that I can think of, since I got him at 1 1/2 years old. And then to do that. What was up with that. My husband thinks he was mad because he wasn't getting to go for walks. ( he wasn't going on walks because he was limping). At least I have a water proof pad on my bed.
Miley has felt neglected too. Between going back to work , my family coming and then it rained for 2 days, there hasn't been any Miley time. Poor Miley. It did finally stop raining this afternoon and I did get to walk her before going to our dog club meeting. So maybe things are looking up for her future. I hope to get back to training Friday or Saturday. On Sunday I have her signed up for a heart and eye clinic. I just thought I would get her checked.
Ive been really stressed out this week. I'm not sure why. I guess its just life. I'm worried about my son going to college. What if he cant do it? He is smart enough to do the work but what if he doesn't wake up to go to class? What if he doesn't talk to anyone? I know I cant control these things and he will either sink or swim. But its just such a worry. Kids weren't to nice to him in high school. They did lots of mean things to him and those are only the things I found out about, usually because a friend's kid told me about it. Or I just happened to ask the right question which made him talk about it. Lets face it , we just don't accept people that are different. Even us adults. I had a co-worker call my house once. My son answered the phone and then told me it was for me. When I said hello, the person said, "What's wrong with your son?" Who would say that? This is another adult with her own kids that are high school age.
Then I'm worried about not getting everything done at work in time for school to start. Plus Im the agility trail chair ( that means you coordinate the trial) for my club. What if I screw that up?? And most of all I want to do well in agility with Miley. And apparently I'm loosing it . Ive been to many seminars and have never had a problem. Well the last two, weird stuff happened to me. At the Elicia Calhoun seminar, the first time I stepped up to the line, all of a sudden my heart started beating really fast in my chest. I'm thinking, what the heck? I didn't think I was nervous. But why else would that happen. Then at the Karen Holik seminar, I noticed my hands where shaking when I was trying to get a treat out of the treat bag after a run. I could feel that was nerves. Weird huh? I told you I'm loosing it. Lol
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
I am a worrier too, so I really sympathize. I am sure your son is going to really do terrific, but I bet that is something a mom always worries about.
YIKES, peeing in your bed, these pups, just when you think you have it all under control, they do something you would never expect. So glad you figured out your paralysis problem, hahahahaha, that sounded very serious, LOL.
The kid's at your son's college will be more mature than the ones in high school, and I really hope he will be treated kindly. There are bad eggs in every bunch, but I'm sure there will be more good ones that will look out for him, find him charming, and treat him well. I'm rooting for him! The first year of college can be tough for anyone.
I don't think you're losing it. I think you're an over achiever! You want to do well. And there's nothing wrong with that.
My mom is a huge worrier and she also really sympathizes with you! But try not to worry - most of the time the things we worry about end up being fine and no big deal and we wasted all that time and energy on worrying! Your son will be ok, the dogs will be ok, things at work will be ok, and you will rock as trial chair and at agility with super-star Miley!
I am worried about my son going to college as well. And I think that anxiety spills over into other parts of life. I know the other day at the trial, my hands were shaking really bad when I was trying to keep Hannah down on the table, and I was like, hmmm, thats wierd.
You are very brave to voluteer to chair a trial. I'm sure it will go great.
Remember, when it all crashes in on you, to BREATH. Your son will likely find others like him. Going away to college is the best thing for growing up and figuring out how you fit in the world. I remember it fondly, and I was an odd duck of sorts. There is a bigger pool of people at college, with more maturity, and he will find others that he relates to. My best friends to this day are people I roomed with in college. And that's more than 30 years ago. I wish the same for him.
And chairing the trial!? WOW that would stress me out too! Of course I know nothing about setting up a trial, but even if I did, that's a big responsibility! Hey, now that I've stressed you out more, on to Miley!
She is a great dog. You know she has all this potential and you may be worried you're holding her back, but in reality, you're giving her the opportunity to run and jump and play and she loves it, so relax and enjoy her successes!
Perhaps you need a drink. I recommend Malibu Rum and Pineapple juice!
Wow! You sound just like me. Does that mean we're normal:-)
Your son will be just fine. The dogs have a wonderful life (most dogs would kill for the life your dogs have).
I remember what one of my coaches said to me when I was competing at the national level with my horses. She said that if you ever stopped feeling that surge of adrenaline or nervousness at a competition, then that meant you just didn't care about the outcome and maybe you should just do something else.
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