Yesterday and today I took the dogs to the park for a long walk. Trying to wear them out. I only succeed in wearing myself out. Its still really hot outside but getting better. I think this week we finally will get down into the 80's. It hasn't rained in a while so the water is down. I was able to walk out onto the big rocks that are in the water. Usually its surrounded by water and you cant walk out there.
This was Guiness after I soaked him down with water. Well he always has to roll when ever he is wet. This is the after picture.
The beaver must have given up on this tree. Either to hot or not enough water to want to damn it up. I just can't imagine doing that with just your teeth. A lot of times we cant even do it with an ax or chain saw.
The weave pole article that Kathy was referring to was in Sept. 09 of Clean Run. Its under Trainer's Forum page 19.
Very nice pictures as usual. I like the one of Guiness and the beaver tree the best. I found the Clean Run article. Thanks!
Long tongued dogs~looks like the walk tired them out! Boy, Guiness likes to get dirty.
I didn't get my Sept issue of Clean Run...guess I better send them an email and find out where it is!
Guiness looks SO happy to be out and about, and especially DIRTY! :)
It's really neat that you can walk out on the rocks like that when the water level is low!
Guiness is one very dirty dog!
The pictures are gorgeous, we do not have beavers here in the desert so that is really neat to see that tree.
Lovely photos, I love the one of muddy Guiness!!
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