Yesterday I took Miley to the rehab vet. I know she probably wasn't going to find anything. Ive haven't seen any limping since last week but I just wanted to get her checked. She didn't see or feel anything. I will work on walking up and down hills slowly and some more ball work. I'm also almost out of SynoviG and Ive seen it in their office which she shares with ortho vets. So I asked her if she thought that was the best glucosamine and chondroitin product to use. She said she uses Dasuquin. Someone who was getting their Phd did a study on glucosamine and chondroitin products. ( I don't know if she knew this person, but she made it sound like she did). In the study she went to the different plants that make the products and she also tested the different products. The only one she could recommend and actually had it what it said it did was Nutramax products. ( my vet doesn't sell this product). She also recommended I put Miley on Derm caps. Its for skin , omega 3 and omega 6, but they are finding out it helps ligaments heal and helps dogs with arthritis. ( Miley doesn't have arthritis but she felt this would be beneficial anyway). So I ordered both products off of .
I haven't been working Miley much. I took her out just for about 2 minutes yesterday and today. I'm feeling lazy. I have no motivation. I'm not sure why. I guess I'm worried about Mileys leg/foot. So we are taking it easy. She did run to the table once so fast she slid off. So maybe its a good break.
I had to go to that once a year dreaded appt. The gyn. doctor. It was a long wait so I had time to read some more of "That Winning Feeling" by Jane Savoie. In the book it talks about worry. That's me, I'm the queen of worry. It states, " Worry is a misuse of imagination. Worry is a nonproductive emotion. Worry would make sense if it were capable of changing the situation. All worry can do is depress you and clog your creativity. Worry creates failure". Insightful huh?
I got a call from my son who is 18.. He had taken the car to go to the bookstore. He was pulled over by a cop and couldn't get the glove compartment open to get out the insurance card and registration. Do you know why he was pulled over? He was doing 40 in a 45 and was in the left lane. The cop just gave him a warning. I was kinda happy. At least he wasn't speeding.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
I've heard the same thing about the Nutramax products-I used to Cosequin and then switched to Dasuquin when it came out. I even have Legend on it-figure it can't hurt. There was one small study that showed it had some preventative properties.
That's a funny story about your son. Poor kid, he must have been so nervous when the cop pulled him over.
I have both my dogs on a fish oil supplement. From what I've read, those omegas are good for all sorts of stuff. I should probably be taking the stuff myself!
I agree with the author about worrying being nonproductive. However, you have to replace worry with another emotion...that's the tough part.
so funny, to be pulled over for going 5 UNDER the speed limit! :)
Miley could probably stand the rest, and you can enjoy just letting her play a bit!
Yip, I'm on the Dasuquin train too. Not only is it one of the best companies to work with (Nutramax) as far as quality control, but I still haven't seen another product available with the avocado/soybean unsaponifiables (ASU- the reason they changed the name from Cosequin to dASUquin.) Marron's on it prophylactically too, mostly for the abuse she puts her body through for her frisbee, not so much agility. Her carpi are also not straight, a fault common in the shortie breed (though hers is fairly mild) and I am hoping this will stave off soreness longer.
That's really interesting stuff about the dasuquin, etc. We've never heard of that medicine. Thanks for sharing the info!
Mom is also a queen of worrying. She comes from a long line of worriers - LOL! No matter how many times she worries and then finds out later that there wasn't anything to worry about, she still worries again the next time!
I put Sage on Dasuquin about 5 mos. ago by recommendation from our vet. I am seeing a big difference in her recovery rate after a long USDAA weekend. No more stiffness or soreness. I am very impressed with the product so far.
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