Guiness's foot is still having problems. It seemed better but then I noticed the last few days he started licking it. I kept looking at it and couldn't find anything until last night. He has been licking the front foot, top inner toe. I found a sore on the back side above the pad. I'm not sure if they are related. So I made an appt. to take him back to the vet. The vet thought his toe joint had fluid in it. He wasn't sure if the sore was related to the joint but it could be. He decided to put him on 10 days of antibiotics and more pain medication. Poor Guinn, but he isn't limping. Hopefully it goes away.
Miley was so happy that she got to run some agility tonight. I need to get on the ball if I want to make my goals and do well at the trails that I have entered in September. My daughter wanted to take some pictures durning our practice.
Doesnt this look painful? Its 24 inch weave pole spacing.
Awww, thats better.
This one is just cute.
And this one is just funny.
wow, Miley looked SO happy in the picture on the Aframe, she is so expressive. Poor Guiness, Breeze has got a big sore on her foot too, so must be a bad week for feet? Sorry work has been stressful, hope you have a fun and stress free weekend!!!!
Superb photos of Miley, I like the one of her weaving. Hope Guinness is ok with his foot.
Going back to work after summer break is always an adjustment. I always wonder, how the heck did I ever get everything done?
Hopefully, it'll all smooth out in a few weeks.
Great photos by Stephanie!
Sorry you've been so stressed out - hope things get better soon!
Fun photos of Miley - Stephanie did a great job! Love the one at the bottom of the a-frame!
Hope Guiness' paw heals quickly!
Stephanie did a great job with the camera. Miley is so so so happy to be working on agility! Hope things get better at work soon!
Miley is just so darn cute!!!
Miley just has such a beautiful expression! I love pictures of her. Sorry to hear that you've been feeling poorly. I hope you're better now.
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