Friday, November 7, 2008

So sad

My daughter came home from school today very upset. She says school is horrible. They canceled the pep rally because of "racial tensions". She said that is specifically what they said over the intercom on why they were cancelling the pep rally. So my daughter goes on to talk about what is happening at school. ( now this is through my daughter so you may need to take is down a level) She said that a lot of the black kids at school have been running through the hallways yelling and screaming "Obama". They get in your face yelling "Obama" and will run into you and they yell it again in your face. She also states that there have been numerous fights breaking out when this happens. The fights are between black and white kids. How very sad.


Dawn said...

This is sad. Hopefully she can understand, and they can eventually grow more responsible. The schools need to nip this in the bud, good luck!

Sara said...

That is really sad, and the total opposite of what is happening at the high school where I work.

I hope her school can figure out a way to use this election as a way to soothe racial tensions, rather than increase them.

Thanks for posting, it is interesting to hear what is going on in other states, even though the news in not good. I will use it in my classroom as a lesson.