So poor Stephanie woke up at 2am with severe pain. I gave her the pain medication and 5 minutes later the phenergan. But within 30 minutes she vomited everything and was miserable. Crying in pain. So off the the ER we go. This time things didn't move quickly. Its hard to sit with your kid when they are crying and vomiting and asking you why you aren't helping them. I did try to get them to take her back but they told me they were very busy. I understand that you are not going to die from a kidney stone but you probably wish you could when its happening. And as a parent you want to help your kid and you feel like you are failing them when you are not helping. It was horrible. After about 30 minutes in the waiting room the pain started to get better and about 1 hour later she was sleeping on and off. It took over 2 hours to be seen. And while waiting those 2 hours animal planet was on the TV. Now normally I like animal planet. But what was showing was a program about cannibalism. It was terrible. Especially when the male monkeys attacked this mother monkey and killed her baby . I was already upset and this wasn't helping. They finally called Stephanie back and when we got back there they had made a mistake. We had to go back to the waiting room. Well I wasn't sitting near the stupid TV again. So I went to the other side so I couldn't see or hear the TV. The cleaning guy was mopping the floor and asked me not to sit here. I just told him I wasn't sitting over there anymore with that stupid tv show on. And we sat down. Well she finally got seen and we got every thing under control. The doctor also told me to give motrin 3 times a day to help keep the pain under control. The problem is that she goes from no pain to extreme pain then vomiting. So I'm hoping tonight will be better.
Also, I wanted to talk about targets. A couple of people have stated how they wean their targets. Some make the targets smaller and smaller. Some use clear targets. I will tell you how I was taught to use targets. Use the white lid. You show the dog the food on the target, take the dog back and release to the target. Once the dog understands his job then you don't always bait the target. If you bait the target , you show the dog so he knows its there. If you didn't show him a baited target then he shouldn't expect a treat. You never lie to the dog. When the dog understands his job then he should be able to run the course with the target lids out and run pass all the lids out there unless you baited one and showed him. So as you fade the targets you shouldn't have to make them smaller or use clear ones. You gradually wean baiting them and then eventually remove them. ( I hope I'm making sense)
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Your poor kid. It must be horrible for you to see her suffering.
I get your target explanation. That's what Oreo and I are doing.
So sorry that Stephanie is in such pain - we hope she gets some real relief soon! And that you both get some rest...
So sorry Stephanie is feeling bad, hope she gets better soon. That sounds aweful!
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