Sunday, November 23, 2008

Another walk.

I took the dogs to the forest again today. It was a slower paced walk than yesterday. None of the pictures turned out as good as I thought they would. Especially the ones on the rocks. It was hard to get out there. I had to climb down the embankment and then lift the dogs down. When I was taking the pictures it seemed really cool. But Miley is really washed out looking. O'well better luck next time. I also fell on my walk. There are lots of leaves and my foot got caught on a root. I couldn't stop my forward momentum and fell. Its funny that falling seemed to happen in slow motion. I had time to think, "hold on to the dogs leashes and protect the camera". The camera was around my neck but inside my jacket. So I hit on my knees and arms. The dogs came back to me with this look like , "now what are you doing". I was fine, but I ripped a hole in my pants at the shin. I'm hoping to go to the practice field with Miley today but will see if I have the energy. I also start the freestyle class with Guiness today. Yea!
If anyone know what I could have done with the camera so that Miley wasnt so washed out in the first 2 pictures. Please let me know. Thanks


Sara said...

Ouch! Glad you were able to save the camera though.

Wish I could give you some advice on the washed out photos. Lighting is tough, and something I am still learning. That's why I like to shoot on cloudy days, or when the sun is directly overhead. Fool proof.

Sara said...

I just took some photos in my backyard and noticed that sometimes the flash went off, even though I had plenty of light, and that made Misty's face look washed out.

I switched to a different preset mode, and that kept the flash from going off.

Diana said...

I do remember the flash going off a couple of times. Thanks, Diana

Chris and Ricky said...

They may not be perfect photos but we still liked them! It's amazing that you can get Guiness and Miley to pose like that!

Sorry about your fall but luckily you didn't hurt yourself too much and the camera was ok!

Dawn said...

I agree, they are so well behaved, so sit there together like that and pose so pretty!