Monday, March 23, 2009

Dogwalk success

So I took Miley to the training field on Sunday. I ran her across the dogwalk 4 times. The first time I was so busy watching her gait that I forgot to say "touch" and she ran off the end of the dogwalk. I was thinking,"crap, what happened?" But then I remembered that I didn't tell her anything. She was so proud of herself too. So we repeated it. The next three times she stopped. I didn't see anything abnormal in her gait. The only thing I may have noticed was she didn't run as fast as she use to. But that could just be from not running it in such a long time. Plus it probably didn't help that I messed up the first time and that made her slow down the rest of the times. I did do some sequencing with her. She did very well. She only dropped one bar and I think that was my fault, I was late. We are very rusty and I was way late on many of my calls. She ran by the weave poles the first time but then did them all the second time. We were only there a total of 15 minutes and she wasn't working the whole 15 min. It was definitely the longest she had worked in a long time. The rest of the day she seem much more a peace with her life then she has since this started. She did break her start line stay several times. Ugh! The only other thing that I thought looked weird was her gait at the end. I'm trying to post it here. We will see if it up loads. I tried all day to up load the video and it just wouldn't work. The first video is of her gait at normal speed. ( I know she is circling but I wanted my husband to be able to get it on video with her gaiting naturally) If I can I will up load the slower gait video too. But the video will be much shorter because blogger cant handle the video. I couldn't up load the video of the slow gait. I watched the above video frame by frame. I didn't see anything unusual. She was using her foot/leg normally. Both extending and contracting completely normal. I don't know why it looks so weird. I will show it to the vet today and see what she thinks.

I took Guiness to freestyle class last night. He did really well. Only two of us showed up. She kinda tested us. We had to go out into the ring and she told us what we had to do. Guiness did really well. He did most things with only a verbal command. It really makes me realize how much in agility your dog is going with your body language. It takes a lot of work to make the dog just do something by verbal. Things I need to work on are having the dog side step. We cant do that at all. The other is having the dog turn and then back between you legs. He can back between my legs if I set him up but I need it to look more fluid. So if you make them half circle and the back up , it looks better.


Chris and Ricky said...

Well I can't see anything wrong with Miley but I'm not good at seeing those things. Glad you got out on the practice field - I'm sure you both were happy to be doing agility again!

Maybe things will get back to normal now!

Sara said...

I thought Miley looked good in the video, and think your husband is a very patient man! LOL! Your conversation had me giggling - it sounds like me and my husband.

Guiness' class sounds like fun. Verbal cues are definitely the toughest. They talked about that at my seminar yesterday.

Have you tried YouTube for videos? I think its much faster, and they at least give you a bar that tells what percentage you have left to download. Blogger kind of leaves you guessing.

Lian said...

I too can't see anything wrong with Miely. She looks just fine but I like her circle work, a typical herding dog!

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Well done Miley, I can't see anything wrong either. Since our dog Penny hurt her leg we've been told by a few people that they then learn to hold it odd or limp because they got used to that, so maybe you're picking up on that.