Tuesday, March 10, 2009


This is a small sample of my daughters room. Talk about creativity. If you could see the whole thing you would think I was crazy.

But out of that comes this:

She made this at school today. Its a picture of my mom and dad. I thought it was great. (Please dont copy unless you are someone in my family.) Thanks


Sara said...

That is really cool - both her room and the picture of your mom and dad.

I think its great that you allow her to do what she wants with her room! One of my friends while I was growing up had a wall that we were allowed to draw and write on -with markers! I thought it was the greatest thing ever. Still do.

manymuddypaws said...

very cool!

i am not a very artsy person so totally appreciate the work that went into that.

ThePainterPack said...

Beewootiful picture!!

Maxie Doodle

Dawn said...

Very talented, your daughter! I also think it's cool that you let her do her room her way. She'll appreciate you when she's a mom! :)

Lian said...

WOW! That's cool! I like the black and white picture of your mum and dad! It's fab!

Chris and Ricky said...


Cool Design Shelties said...

WOW! That's COOL :o) Your daughter is very talented :o)


Kathy Mocharnuk said...

Your daughter is lucky to have someone that nurtured her creativity, very cool!

Chris and Ricky said...

Thanks for the link to the Clean Run Yahoo group...we do belong already but haven't taken the time to read much of it for awhile!

For the startline we've been working on mom saying, "ready, set, go" and kind of holding me back until "go" but it's still not really exciting me. We keep trying...

Funny but that blue ball that I try to catch only works in that room of the house. I like to tug too, but not at agility class or practice - I'm too serious!

Thanks for all the advice you share with us - we appreciate it and you never know when someone will say something that will be the solution!