Miley had her appt. today. Way out in the middle of no where. 5 miles of roads with just trees. I had to call to make sure I was in the right place. LOL Yea, no sign that says "ultrasounds here" for people like me. Anyway... Miley has a chronic iliospoas muscle injury on the right side of her back. The left looked ok with just a couple of mild places but probably caused by her compensating for the right. So last year when we thought it was her foot, probably this. You see how the one for the right side ( second picture) has so much white in it, right in the middle of the picture. Thats scar tissue all in the iliospoas muscle. Now where it inserts into the femur, she thought looked ok. She recommends 4 weeks of strict rest with short leash walks and heated ultrasound twice a week. She feels the heated ultrasound penetrates deep in the muscle area and help reduce scar tissue or maybe she said it allows more normal tissue to get into that area. She said she see a difference on the follow -up US when people use heated US vs when they dont. Remember this is what I thought she said and sometimes people hear medical information wrong, so I could be mistaken about certain points. She didnt feel using laser or e-stim helped healing much like the ultrasound does. But she said those could help with pain. The laser just cant penetrate deep enough. She would like me to come back in 4 weeks and see how she is healing. She feels in 4 weeks, she should be healed to start rehab.
I'm glad you have a diagnosis, although I'm sure you are depressed over the thought of having four weeks of rest followed with rehab.
I know ultrasound has made a huge difference for a few people I know, so I'm sure it will help Miley. They used it on the tendonitis in my ankle, when I was doing competitive gymnastics, to break up the scar tissue. It really helped. I could barely walk before that first treatment.
Hang in there.
Sorry that the ultrasound confirmed the fear that Miley had an iliospoas injury. But I'm glad you now know and you got the diagnosis today and didn't have to wait all weekend to find out and the US lady seems sure that Miley will heal. 4 weeks of rest is a long time but you know how times seems to fly by - Miley will be ready for her rehab in no time.
Do you go to someone else for the heated US twice a week?
I remember Johann had an iliospoas injury that Leslie blogged about a lot - maybe she knows something that would be helpful?
Ricky and I send you and Miley a big hug!
Sorry that Miley is going to be laid up, that's always hard on the pups and on us. But hopefully this will be a solution for you.
You said, "sometimes people hear medical information wrong," I know this was really hard with Maizey's knee's especially the first surgery. It is overwhelming to get bad news and then you have to absorb all the medical info that is hard to understand anyways. I wish now I had recorded the visits with the surgeon. We did this w/ a family member(the 2legged kind;)) that underwent radiation this year and it helped immensely.
Hoping all goes well, and before you know it she will be leaping around again!
Sorry to know that Miley does have iliospoas. At least you know for sure now and can help her recover. I hope it can heal naturally.
During the 4 weeks, even though you can't do agility, I'm sure Miley can learn some tricks :)
Sorry about the injury. Iliopsoas injuries are never fun to deal with. Glad you were able to get to a diagnosis fairly quickly. Here's to hoping she has an uneventful rest and rehab!
Good luck. At least you know what's going on now.
I wonder if that's what is wrong with Zodiac. I ended up retiring him from agility because of a back problem. I could never really diagnose anything myself. It's just sort of a chronic issue, only bothers him if he jumps.
I'm glad you have a diagnosis. I'm sorry it's one that will require strict rest. I know that will be difficult for you both.
Just out of curiosity...it seems like I'm hearing of this injury more and more often, do you have nay idea what causes it? I guess that's not really the question I want to ask. I'm wondering if they give you any idea of what we could all be doing to avoid this type of injury?
Yes I would be interested in what to avoid as well...wish the news was different for Miley. She's not going to like strict rest! And if Miley doesn't like it, nobody is going to like it!
wow, those iliosop. injuries seem to really be happening a lot. I am sorry that there was something they found wrong but hopefully now that they all know what it is....it can be treated and she will recover. I had no idea you could see all that with ultrasound, but when you explained it it was sure easy to see. How lucky you are so in tune with Miley and noticed something a lot of owners would not have noticed, makes you wonder about all those dogs walking around hurting. ((HUGS)) for you and for Miley.. ;-)
Oh crap. If you need support, please let me know. Remember it took Whisper about 7 months to recover/rehab. Rest was the most difficult. We did do a lot of ROM exercises, ice was better than heat for sure. The leash walks once she's better were so helpful. Get better soon Miley and don't gain any weight. Chiropractic is really important for Whisper. Why she's getting the strains - for some reason her pelvis locks up. I blame it on jumping on and off the furniture constantly but I think the AF is also part of it. Just my opinion but I can't be sure.
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