Monday, February 22, 2010

A photo is worth a thousand words

This photo pretty much says it all for my cueing this weekend.


Natasha said...

A blooper photo! I'm sure you'll look back in a couple of years and laugh.

This has happened to me as well! Except Miley is faster than Mika, so I have no excuse, lol.

Sara said...

Why is there a flight attendant in a purple shirt standing behind you? Were there emergency exits to point out?

Chris and Ricky said...

Sara's comment it too funny!!

At least Miley is having a great time - look at the huge smile on her face!! :)

Morganne said...

LOL! Yes, photos are great and tell us so much. I have many photos of my inside arm almost straight up in the air (I guess the higher I fling my arm, the faster or more "out" my dog will travel? :-)

Sam said...

It is for this reason that I sometimes hate looking at pics and videos of Marge and I running. LOL

Marie said...

yeah, pictures and videos are almost always a guaranteed way to humble yourself quickly.