Sunday, February 28, 2010

Long Day

Yesterday was a long day. We got up at 4am and were on the road by 5am. We got to the trial at 7am. The site was very tiny. There was no real place to exercise your dog or really walk them. My husband was waiting with Miley to get measured and I went to the car. When I came back this lady was talking kinda mean to him. When they sent out the final conformation,it had the measuring on Saturday and Sunday wasnt until 12 noon. And if we had read it, we would have know that. It really wasnt a big deal but I went and got the final conformation that I had printed out. It said, "There will be check in and measuring each morning..." . So I didnt finish reading the sentence. If I had finished reading I would have read "and then again at noon on Saturday and Sunday". So she told us they werent measuring this morning and we didnt need to be there until 12noon. Hmmm. Thats not really the way the sentence read. (that they weren't measuring until noon) What ever. So since we had so much time to kill, we drove to the beach. I took lots of pictures. It looks so sunny and warm. It wasnt. It was 36 degrees out. ( Well, I upgraded my photobucket acct. to capture high resolution photos and now blogger wont accept them. Im tired of trying to figure out what is wrong. )

We got back to the trial at 11am. I had to work the Grand Prix group. I think the Grand Prix looked easier than the steeplechase. Isnt that always the way it looks.LoL
We did get measured before speedjumping/steeplechase.

They dogs I watched run were all pulling in between #6 and #7. I wanted to make sure that she didnt do that but I kept my arm out to long and made her completely miss #7. I was able to get her back but not before she took #7 the wrong way. Then came the #13 tunnel. I pulled her off the entrance. Ugh! Then it took another pass throught the tunnel to get her back. She had awesome weaves. She did self release herself on the a-frame . (that would come back to bite me). All and all I felt like I handled her much better than last weekend.


Right after that we had starters jumpers. The judge changed the course a little becasue she didnt like it.

After #9 she went left when I went right. Im not sure why. Ive watched the video and still do see why. But since she didnt grab and obstcale we were still ok. We did manage a "Q". I think my husband was more excieted then me. Dont get me wrong, I was very happy but I should be able to handle a starters course.

Oops, I said "here, here, here".

Last was gamblers. I had a good plan and I timed myself several times with a stop watch.

Well, she was faster than what I timed and I wasnt able to think fast on me feet and it went down hill from there.LoL I had planned to here the buzzer for the gamble the jump after the tire. You can see what happens after that

All in all I think I handled here better than last week. So I hope to improve on that. Also she jumped the a-frame contact so will have to work on that.
we finished around 6pm and Miley was tried. Even when we got back home,she was still tired. Also by the end it was very cold. I had two pair of pants on and was still cold. ( there maybe lots of missed spelled words becuase I cant get blogger to spell check).


Kathy Mocharnuk said...

I thought it looked good-you seemed confident and in control. BOY how aggrevating getting there so early and them not doing any measurements until later in the day. Ughghghg, like you said that would not have been so bad if it had been warm, but at least you had company to spend the time. I thought after the broad jump Miley made her committment to the way she was going right as she was committing to the broad jump, I wonder if you had decelerated before the broad jump or just plain stopped for a split second so that she would have figured out something was up and checked in I wonder if that would have helped. I thought it looked like by the time you really went laterally to the right and were definitely headed the other way she was already off and committed to going to the left-It seemed like she never noticed your cues, it seemed to me like your forward motion that tad bit longer was a confirmation to her that she chose the correct line. Anyway, just what I thought so take it for what its worth!

Sara said...

I'm glad you went home feeling like you had improved from last week. Sorry you had such a long wait. At least you got to play on the beach! Although, I'm sure you would rather have had a few extra hours sleep.

I think gamblers is so tough, because you can never really predict exactly where your dog will be when that buzzer goes off. I always feel like a chicken with my head cut off..."where do I go, where do I go, where do I go?" LOL.

Chris and Ricky said...

I'm sorry about the whole measuring thing (it's one reason mom hasn't even thought about trying a different trial from AKC because she doesn't want to deal with the measuring again) but you did get some awesome beach pictures! I think you guys did well and seemed more in control and connected - hey - congrats on the Q - doesn't matter that it was a starter's course - you and Miley still did really well!

Hope this is the beginning of some time where you can just enjoy doing agility and don't have to worry so much!

Jules said...

Very nice jumpers run, even if it is just starters! ;-) I thought the speed jumping run looked good too. She looks engaged and happy to be working with you.

Lian said...

Well done for the Q. Miley always look enthusiastic and happy. I am glad you feel happy about your handling. They looked really good.

Marie said...

Waiting is such a bummer. Very nice that you had such a beautiful place to wait though. I love the beach pictures.

I thought your runs looked good and I'm really glad you felt a little better about how things went this weekend.