Well I could tell you that my dog and I ran awesome today but that would be a big fat lie. Im not sure where my mind was today. It wasn't on course. Poor Miley. She probably wanted to trade me in for a new model. One that knows how to run the course. Lol Everything having to do with the trial went well, so Im not sure why I was having trouble. Also today was 20 degrees cooler than yesterday. First I had Open Standard. You took the chute and then had to come out into a 180, and loop around over the jump you first took. Well I had planned to rear cross after the chute and then front cross and pull her around. I had poor timing and pushed her off the jump and then I couldnt figure out how to get back on course. Miley took the cue to start circling. Ugh! Of course the table was next. It felt like forever ( 15 seconds) to get her to come to me, I had her sit. Then I sent her to the table. Probably risky but it worked. She got on the table sat and then I put her in a down. WhooHoo! She got on the table. The rest of the run was nice. I cant believe the judge didn't whistle me off the course. I kept waiting for the whistle but it never came. And we didn't run out of time. Its just to funny, when you are out there and your dog is running around you, it feels like forever.
Next was our Open jumpers run. I did a two jump lead out to the tunnel. Released my dog and I never cued the tunnel. SO my poor dog came right to my side. I'm standing there thinking , "what is my dog doing right here". Duh! So I finally get my brain sorta back and she gets in the weaves and finishes the course beautifully. Really, she ran the course kinda by herself. Someone said to me, that was great distance you had on your dog. ( uh, that's cause her owner didn't know if her dog was running the course right and just let her run and then the owners brain engaged and figured out the dog was right.)
Last was our Open Fast run. Not much to tell there. I messed that up to. I didn't plan the course right. Not much to tell. I was just glad we were done for the day. I have to say, I think Miley was done too. I had her massaged twice today because the massage lady thought she was tight in her thighs. When I went to get Miley after her last run to do the second massage. She was sound asleep in the crate. Didnt even open her eyes when I was at the crate.
So that was that. I hope I do better tomorrow.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Aww, I just hate it when my brain shuts off! Good luck tomorrow and have a good night's sleep tonight!
good luck tomorrow!! :)
It doesn't sound like you did too bad, considering the fact that I'm sure you were still tired and stressed from the day before.
I hope today goes well, relax knowing it is the last day.
I don't know how you're doing it - running the entire trial and running Miley in 3 runs all three days! Mom and I get exhausted after only one day and then mom says she was even more tired after just working at the trial yesterday without running! So we think you guys are doing great! WooHoo Miley did the table!!! Maybe the ferrets worked! Looking forward to the video of day 2. Good luck today!
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