Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My wild , crazy dog

Im going to try to post a link some pictures taken of Miley at the trial.

After you get to the link , hit the right arrow to scroll through the pictures. I like the first one, the one after she gets off the teeter and her tail is flying high and the one when she is jumping on the table.


Dawn said...

I love the table one too! She is so focused in all of them. Such intent! Looks so funny to see her red legs!

Sara said...

Those are awesome. Does she think she needs to fly over the table? LOL.

I think Miley is part bird.

I love how she crouches down on the teeter. She is so cool.

Chris and Ricky said...

I like the on jumping onto the table best - it is such a perfect photo of high-flying Miley! And those red legs are just too much!!

Kathy Mocharnuk said...

Miley always looks like she is flying, I am going to call her SUPER MILEY, she looks like a super hero who can fly, LOL. That is so funny with the reddish mudd from the trial the Aframe really shows everyone had mud on their feet, LOL. Miley is such a pretty girl......