Its been and up and down day. Miley just doesn't do well the first night at hotels. Every noise causes her to bark. So I had to have the TV on the whole night so she didnt hear doors closing and people talking. Needless to say, I didn't sleep well. When I woke up at 5am,I started changing the channels on the TV. Miley jumped over to my bed and started licking my face. It was almost as if she was saying, "O'Thank god you finally woke up". Silly dog. Then all she wanted to do was leave. She kept jumping and barking at the door. If I took her out, she just kept pulling to the car. Finally I gave up and got in the car at 6:30 and drove to the trial site.
Our first run was Open JWW. She ran well. A little slow for Miley but she looked great. For some reason she took the wrong tunnel entrance. The right tunnel entrance was a straight line from the weaves, jump, the tunnel. She had to veer off into the wrong tunnel entrance. Hmmmm. But otherwise nice run.
Then came Standard open. My legs had really been hurting. I had taken medication early in the day hoping that would keep the pain away. But it didn't work. So I sat in the chair for about 2 hours and the pain was finally gone. But now Miley didnt get much exercise. The course looked very nice with a few off course traps. I didn't feel nervous at all. I set Miley and walked out pass the first jump. ( it was jump, dogwalk). Before I even turned around, my dog is running pass me. Crap. She circles me a couple of times, I finally get her back and we run the dog walk. Things are back on track. She did her contacts , did the pinwheel and teeter. Now for the a-frame. Since she was wild , I figured she would jump the contact but she didnt. Ok, then the table. She jumped right on. Ok, now we are cooking. But no, she jumped right off, the starts running big circles around me. Crap. People are saying, "she's looking for sheep". Ugh! I finally get her back and she does nice weave poles and finishes the course nicely. Crazy dog. Its funny, when that stuff starts happening it feels like you are out there forever. But it only last one minute or less. So after the crazy run, I took her to this barn area and made her chase the ball until her tongue was hanging out. When I went and looked at the Q rate for Open Standard, on 4 dogs out of 33 Qed. Most of the dogs were crazy like Miley.
Then there was Novice fast. I think its was now 5pm. Long day. Miley did ok. She didn't break her stay and started great. She was a little crazy and took some things on her own but she got the distance send bonus and did the high value obstacles. So I knew we had enough points and we finished the run. WhooHoo. A little later I went to check my score and I didn't have enough points. You need 50, they said I had 45. I knew that wasnt right. I didnt video this run. See, always tape your runs. I went to the score table and they pulled my card. They had the send bonus points on the card but not the points for the actual obstacles. So we had 60 points. We Qed and Im pretty sure took 1st place. Ill find out tomorrow when I go back.
I'm having Internet problems. I'm typing this in my car by the front office of the hotel. I couldn't get access in my room. If I can later I will post the videos.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
When I read your first paragraph, I thought, sounds just like Oreo. He would have done the same exact thing.
Sounds like, despite a little craziness, you had successful runs. All the things you've been working so hard on-weaves and contacts- Miley did right! That's awesome!
Good luck today!
Sounds like a good day!!Congrats on the novice fast Q! I sure hope you got some sleep last night and feel good today. Good luck and we are looking forward to hearing how it goes!
Wow! What a day the two of you had! Bet you are both exhausted and both slept last night! LOL! Glad you're both having fun!
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