They go into the yard, find them in the yard and open them right there. They then become little shards of pain when you walk or run thur the yard. I try to pick them up so Miley doesn't have to run on them. I usually walk barefoot in the yard to find the little suckers. They are hard to see just looking for them.
I took this picture so you could get a better idea of these little torture nuts.
Then there is the next danger. Well I don't really know if they are dangerous or not. I just don't like them. I found this lovely thing the other day.
Many times when I move the tunnel there is a little snake under the tunnel. It's always the same looking snake just different sizes. Ive been trying to get a picture of one . Ive been taking my camera out every day and moving the tunnel. No snakes. But this weekend , when I moved the tunnel for my son to mow the yard, there was a snake. But I didn't have the camera. I went in to get it but the snake was gone when I came out. Today when I went out to do some agility, I moved the the tunnel and there is was. A snake. A little one but none the less a snake. Did I mention , I hate snakes. ( Try not to laugh, I know its small. Chihuahua are small dogs,so this is probably relative)
We've got a resident snake here too, out front under a decorative rock. Katie knows it's there and wants to go check it out every time we go out. I don't let her, hope she forgets soon. Right.
OMG, if I found a snake like that I do not care what size,.....I would probably NEVER move my tunnel again, LOL. ya know...someone needs to talk to those squirrels and it makes perfect sense they should take the nuts and eat them in an eating area, LOL.
squirrels suck. I can't stand them. Okay, I'm not even going to touch how I feel about snakes.
Oh My God! Snakes everywhere!! I hope none of you get hurt! I will be running mad when I see one!
Took down trees to make room for agility? I wouldn't say that out loud to "normal people". They might have you committed. LOL.
However, I completely understand.
You do have a dangerous backyard!! We just took down our bird feeder because we've been having a RAT hanging around our yard this summer! We tried to catch it with a havahart trap but only got squirrels and chipmunks. So we stopped feeding the birds to hopefully make our yard less attractive for wildlife - maybe the RAT will move on?
Your dogs are beautiful including Micky. Those look like hickory nuts and I know they would hurt bare feet. I do not like any kind of snake although I know some like king snakes kill poisonous ones but I don't want to be around any of them. Helen
PS I didn't see Roxy when I looked down the side but she is beautiful also. Helen
Good grief. Looks dangerous. LOL And even if the snake isn't dangerous, it's a snake. Yuck! I'm really glad that we don't have snakes or squirrels here to deal with.
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