So I came home last night and was happy it was mostly over. I still have to complete the reports for the AKC within 7 days and finish out the finances. But the hard stuff done. The funny thing is, its almost time for me to fill out the application for the Spring trial.
I probably shouldn't have looked at my videos last night. I knew what happened at the trial but it didn't seem that bad in my head. Then when I watched the video, I felt like crying. It looked terrible. No wonder those ladies were looking at me like that. They probably thought I didn't know what I was doing. Lol. So last night I was pretty much over everything. I was quitting agility. I'm obviously a terrible trainer with my dog running circles around me. What was I thinking that I could do this. I couldn't read any one's blog. I was having a big pity party for myself. I didn't want to read everyones great news. Pathetic, I know. But today is a new day. I'm feeling better, although the tapes didn't get any better.
Our first run was Open JWW. I rear crossed the pinwheel into the weaves and sent my dog off course. I should have front crossed. Then when Miley realized she was wrong, she started circling. I was able, finally , to get her back and we finished nicely.
Then there was Open Standard. I really had high hopes. We started out so nicely that I thought for sure she would get on the table. But no, she didn't. A few circles then she finally gets on. I made a mistake and made her drop a bar. I cant remember what I did, but I do remember it was my fault. Then the weaves. I decided to try and correct the weaves which I haven't been doing. I really felt like she needed to do them and not just go by. So, not a great run. More stuff to work on. Lots of people gave me advice to fix my table problem. Meagan is very nice. She always says nice things about your runs and then waits for you to bring up the bad stuff. You know, she tried to tell me this circling stuff would come back to bite me, but I didn't listen. I'm not sure why, I guess I didn't believe her. Lol . Maybe I should have just driven down 77 and just thrown my money out the window ( you know , since I didn't listen to what she said. ) I'm tired of learning lessons.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Miley's contacts are awesome!
You know I really think it is so impressive how you actually get Miley back on track and working so nicely, I think it takes a really cool head to let a mistake go and just do so well getting back on track. You might be frustrated but you sure do not look like you are and you really do such a nice job of helping Miley get her brain back in gear, LOL.
Sorry it did not go better, but gosh I am going to remember how you handled those things and try to keep that cool a head when our bobbles happen.
The circling stuff really does look so typical herding dog behavior.
Thanks Kathy. Diana
When Miley started circling, you stayed really calm. That helped calm Miley, and then she was able to finish the control. Most humans/dogs couldn't have done that.
I pretty much threw $100 out the window myself this weekend at my seminar. I've been thinking for 2 days that I really got nothing out of it, except that it made me feel like crap! LOL.
I was going to say the same thing - it is amazing that you get Miley back after she starts circling and then each time you guys finish the run great! I hope you don't give up and you sure are NOT a bad trainer! I keep saying it but I really believe it will all come together soon!
i am sure that people have told you this before- but you have a fabulous little dog. she loves the game, and she tries to do the right thing.
you are a good trainer- who is mostly training on her own. that is what the issue is really. the lessons you get help of course, but mostly you work on your own and it is hard- very hard. because you don't have that person watching, and pointing out the errors, and the bad habits.
circling is a really bad habit but you've already come so far with fixing it. Miley is the type of dog who although appears very "go get 'em" type she is insecure. And when she thinks she's made a mistake, or is worried (the table) she defaults back to her spinning.
The more flow you can offer her, and the more guidance you can give her the less you will see that. I would try to always be at her head- ahead of her rather than relying on her speed and rear crosses to get around the course.
I have been in a very similiar position before with the flicking. (When Miley flicked away over the bar instead of taking the weaves) I had to really take a look at my handling, and think about how consistent i was being. After more than a year of "fixed" with no more flicking it still comes back to bite me but for the most part it is gone.
the beautiful thing about agility is that you can train, retrain, and then retrain again. The dog will just keep on learning.
but you do have a really great dog, and you are a good trainer. just remember those things.... :o)
I don't have any real experience too offer, but I can say you are not a terrible trainer, or you wouldn't have gotten as far as you have. Miley is just really really fast, and hard to control once she gets going. You'll get good advice from experts, and you'll be fine. She's a terrific dog, and she's lucky to have you! She could have ended up a couch potato dog with someone else! She wouldn't have been happy that way.
Miley is an awesome little agility dog, you are doing a great job. Just look at those contacts! I think both her and Hannah should be in a club called "table haters anonymous". At first when I saw her circle the table; I thought, hmmm, stressy. But its hard to tell -- could be she just doesn't want to stop. Dogs are so complicated. - Diane
I thought you guys look great. I think she does need to be more secure. I think the weaves and the table, she doesn't want to stop or collect. It's totally fixable. I have an acquaintance with a sheltie who was running up to 7 yps. but she couldn't get qualifications for world team try outs because she couldn't Q in standard because her dog didn't want to do the table. She did fix it. I probably would have run out of the ring and given her cookies after doing the table but that's just me. You'll get there. Miley is great but she still needs experience. I can totally relate because how many times have I been where you are but have a dog who stresses down. I'd certainly prefer one who stresses up.
Well I thought both runs looked very nice. So many great moments in each run. Smooth handling, awesome contacts, SPEED, etc.
I have a friend who has a Brittany who once she thinks she's made a mistake on course, will get the circling zoomies. So my friend just goes on like the WC never happened and then goes home and works on that particular skill.
Think of how much Miley is teaching you about training and handling. All young dogs have their challenges and I'm sure you and Miley will work through them.
Sometimes when I have a bad run with my young dog, I will go back and watch our videos from Novice and Open. Very eye-opening and makes me realize how far we have come.
P.S. The table is being discussed on the Perf-Shelties list.
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