Today I woke up and felt soooo much better. The pain is almost completely gone. Just some left in my ankles,feet and toes. I can deal with that. So because I felt so much better I didnt want to waste 4 hours in the car driving to a trial. So I didnt. LOL I just want to say that Im not mad at the club who's trial I was suppose to go to. I realize what happened, the dirt being sand and to thick to run in, wasnt their fault. And having to move the rings and set up all over again must have been over whelming. I probably would have had a nervous breakdown if that was my club. My only complaint, and Im sure they got tons, was communication. For anyone not at the trial on Friday, we had no idea what was going on. I do think they should have sent out an email of apology and reasons for why they did what they did. It would have only taken a few minutes. And I still dont understand why they moved FAST from the beginning of the day , to the end of the day. I even sent an email on Friday asking why the change in the running order. I got no reply. But it is what it is. Live and learn.
Instead we went on the boat. Good thing to. The tarp on the boat had fallen in and a lot of water was pulling on the boat cover. All the carpet was wet and now green from not getting any sun to dry it out. Its now drying out.
We went to the beach that you cant park your car at but you call pull your boat up to. We had a nice quiet spot all to ourselves. Well at first. Then a bunch of people came and started setting up easy-ups and playing loud music. So we left. But I got some great pictures.
My teeth hurt so I have to chew on all wood I find.
"La la la la la, I cant hear you calling my name."
I love this pictures. She isnt high up like the picture makes it look.
Guiness is running by and that why Java is looking that way. Guiness isnt in may pictures because he was to distracted chasing waves.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Looks like it was a wonderful day just to enjoy being with your dogs. I love that they like the water.
Glad you had a good day not at an agility trial. I was at a trial today, but was very grumpy (stupid hormones) and probably should have just stayed home.
Great photos, as always, Miley is just stunning! And Java is just so cute- does she have a blue eye?
Glad you feel so much better! You did get some fantastic pictures!
Great pictures!
I am glad that you are feeling better, it looks like you guys had a really nice weekend.
Java is soooooo cute! Love her face.
Looks like a gorgeous day!
SO glad you are feeling better! And what better way to celebrate than combine dogs and the lake! Love the photos. Guiness is just so happy! So are Miley and Java. Happy days!
Oh, they are so beautiful!
that looks like a really marvelous day, glad you ended up doing that-esp if there were going to be hassles or irritated peopole with all the changes-- life is just too short and if you were hurting the rest and recoop time was probably a really great idea.
Looks like fun. I guess we are all realizing there is life outside agility. I can't believe they can get away with changing the running order. NADAC-yes, AKC-no way!
Those are all such gorgeous photos. And congrats on having such a fabulous day!
Wow! She's growing up so quickly! Very pretty girl. Love her markings!
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