She is loosing her mind. Starting at 6am she has been wanting to go for a walk. Running to the front door and slamming it. I tried just taking her in the front yard so she could see what the problem is but she didnt "get it". LOL Ice has coated everything making it hard to walk. Miley will stand on top of the ice but its to slippery to walk. So at 9:30am I broke down and took her for a walk. I think she needed to use the bathroom and couldnt figure out where to go. All the spots where covered with snow and then ice on top of that. All her "spots" where covered and apparently just "not right". The streets have lots of ice and it makes it difficult to walk but I tried to stay where the tire tracks were. I cant believe how many people are driving through the neighborhood. They should have just done a 2 hour delay for school. Now we are going to have to make it up. Crap! I hope they dont take Friday away. Friday is a teacher in-service day. The nurses were having their in-service this Monday, the snow day, and then only meeting 1/2 day on Friday. The other half of the day I was going to take off to drive to a trial 4 hours away. Its the only reason I entered. Its going to be rough if I have to work all day and then drive. Not so much on me, but Miley will loose her mind crated for such a long time without being able to burn off energy. Anyway, I got off topic. I first walked Miley up to one end of the neighborhood but that wasnt good enough. When we were passing our street, she pulled to the other side so I wouldnt turn onto our street. So we walked all the way to the other end of the neighborhood. Luckily someone had driven on the edge of the yard with their car. It made the grass show and Miley finally went to the bathroom. She must have been holding it since yesterday. Poor dog.
My son's college has been closed for 2 days. This morning they didnt serve breakfast. Wow, they never closed my college and it was in the mountains. Sometimes you would walk to class and there would be a sign on the door stating that class was canceled. But that was rare. I think most teachers lived close by. Now they would just send you an email. No walking to class, you dont even have to get dressed. LOL Remember walking to the building to see test grades posted? You could see how you compared to the rest of the class. Sometimes you would show up and the grades wouldnt be posted so you would come back later. None of that anymore. Just look on line.
Guniess says he isnt coming off the deck until I clean up this crap. LOL
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Eva has that problem of not being able to find her pee 'spot' either. Maybe it's a girl thing?
When we go somewhere else, it always takes her forever to find the 'spot'!
Your dogs are true southerners.
No it's not just a girl thing...maybe a Sheltie thing; because the boys do the same thing. It must be 'GRASS' or no go. Ok, tell you the truth it could be a girl thing, because my boys pee like a girl. They never learned how to lift their legs. LOL
Poor Miley! She'd be out of luck here for most of the winter if she needed grass to go potty! That ice on top of the snow is terrible! Pretty but hard to get around on!
Katie always had a hard time adjusting after the snow starts too...but eventually she gives up and goes on the snow. Otherwise she'd have to hold it till March or April. Miley looks so regal in that picture of her sitting by the ice covered grasses. She's saying "NOW MOM! Stop telling all my private stories!"
I'm still marveling over the fact that you guys down south are getting such wild weather. It's about to hit here in just a few hours..
Poor Miley - Marge understands her frustration. She does the same thing when it's raining out. Sometimes I think that Marge believes that it can rain in the backyard but be dry while walking..
I tell ya us people who are not used to snow, and the dogs who are not used to snow have a hard time figuring it all out dont we? And you gotta know people who get tons of snow and are used to it have to wonder why it is so hard, but when you are not used to is LOL ;-)
Awww poor baby! Sometimes my Tibby just doesn't get it either. "What Mom you don't want to go out in -15F wind and snow? Why not it's GREAT out here!" That's what Tibby says while she lounges in the drifts. She LOVES snow!
I think they have closed the college in town once in 5 years, when we had 36 inches in 24 hours. :) We are tough in MN.
Well, I agree with Guiness. Fortunately, I think Guiness and Miley have a better chance of things warming up and thawing out before we will.
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