I kinda cant believe they called school again today. I guess the roads must be worse in the north part of the district. I know my sons college, which is north of us, opened at 10am on Wednesday and then today they open at 12noon. So there must still be problems. The ice is the problem. As the snow melts, water runs across the roads and freezes into an ice slick. Here is what the back yard looks like.
The squirrel did get a nut out.
I did manage to get to the park yesterday. There were some ice covered parks on the path but mostly is was clear.
Im pretty sure we will have school tomorrow. Its an in- service day. They have already taken the last three in- service days away and made them regular school days. The only problem with that is, that in February the nurses were taking a class to renew our CPR. Its an all day class. How are we going to get that done now? Watch them make us make it up on a Saturday on our own time. And this is why I hate snow days.
Tomorrow I leave for a USDAA trial. I hope I can leave in the afternoon like I had planned. The in-service stuff might have changed and it could be all day for the nurses. That will really take me over the edge. I know Im complaining a lot but I wouldnt have entered this trial if I thought I couldnt leave at mid-day. Well, I'll just hope for the best.
Ive been thinking about Miley's table issue again. She isnt entered in anything that requires a table but I still think about it. When you run agility, you run. The only time the handler stops running is at the table. I wonder if that has anything to do with her problem. I also think she is over the top at trials which is why she is leaving the teeter early and if she doesnt keep on course, she stress circles. Im not sure how to fix this stuff but its something to think about. The trial in early December was a really small trial which is maybe why she got on the table. Bigger trials, the more over the top she is, or maybe its me.Hmmm? Maybe Ill go back in Feb. to that same small trial and see if she gets on the table again.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
It's hard to believe your snow is sticking around for so long! The dogs look photoshopped in to backgrounds with snow - LOL!
Sorry about all the school days you are missing and the changes in the schedule - fingers crossed that you get to leave early for you trial!
Good luck!
Ice and snow are so beautiful and such a royal PITA! Hope you're able to get where you need to go, safely and on time, and all the rescheduling doesn't screw up your trial weekend. Sure you don't want to move to the Midwest and deal with this EVERY winter?
We're back in school today. I guess your area lacks the snow/ice removal equipment that we have. Having to make up time for your snow days must really take the fun out of it.
Hope you get out early tomorrow.
The snow is looking great! Although I know how much it does affect travelling, and school days! Have a safe journey to the trial. Driving on ice is no fun!!
BEAUTIFUL pictures! I love the jumping one. Looking forward to hearing about the trial this weekend! Hope it goes well!
Even most of CT had today off, or delayed openings. Things weren't really all that bad though.
You doing the big Raleigh trial? My instructor Mary is coming down for that one. Good luck.
Beautiful snow but I get what you're saying about having to make it up later when it's less convenient. I hope you get to leave tomorrow. And I hope the trial you're going to goes really well!
I hope all goes smoothly for you tomorrow and that you get to leave midday.
I can't believe you've still got snow!
GOOD LUCK at the trial, cant wait to hear how it goes, hope you get out of school at a good time today and they dont try to take a saturday from you!!!
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