We went to the park on Sunday. Right after taking these pictures we came across a bobcat on the trail. I was trying to get a picture when my husband scared it away. Darn. My husband thought ours and the dogs safety was more important that the picture. What? Where has he been. LOL just kidding.
Guiness seems to be 50% better. He can walk the flat park without any problems. But the hilly park, he still is stopping but I can get him moving again. I called the internal medicine vet on Monday like he asked me to. I told him that I thought Guiness was 50% better. So he upped the medication to 1 1/2 pills twice a day. Im to still keep records. He did say he was frustrated that he couldnt tell me what is wrong with Guiness. He talked about doing more test, but I dont want to do that right now.
Miley ran a little bit off leash through some jumps on the ground in our beginner class. She was very excited to be allowed to do something again. When we got home she was so happy and excited. "I do have a life, I really do". LOL
Tonight we practice some startline stays at the park. After reading Ricky's post we tried some of her tests that she did in class. So I had my husband hold the leash loose and I ran away from her. She stayed. Then I had him hold her and I did a lead out and said "are you ready?" . She broke and my husband let the leash go. I asked him:
Me: Why did you let her go?
Lou: You said ready.
Me: the release word is "OK".
Lou: Oh.
We started again. This time I lead out and said, "pizza". she broke and my husband let her go.
Me: why did you let her go?
Lou: I dont know.
So if the human cant get it, how can the dog. LOL
One more time. This time I said "french fries". And everyone stayed. We ended on that.
It probably doesnt seem funny but it was funny to me at the time.
Im doing a survey for our agility trial. Ugh, its hard to make everyone happy. Its funny how people see the same trial so differently. But if you are reading any of the post on the agile list and how people saw the USDAA nationals. Im glad Im not running that big event. You know if you have lots of complaints maybe you should help out with putting on the trial. Most people are just trying to do the best they can. People really do want other people to have a good time running their dogs. They are not working that hard to make people unhappy. Thats not a good feeling. O well, cant please all the people all the time. LOL
Whoop Whoop
3 days ago
Oh my word, I can't stop laughing!!! I swear this is the same kind of thing that happens with my husband and I all the time. ROFL
I have to say the fact we have husbands that will even try to play along with all the dog stuff is awesome. They get total props for that in the first place, but sometimes I want to be like, "uh. . . how many times have I explained this??" But then I remember I don't get frustrated with having to keep giving explanation to Maizey so how can I be that way to him? ;)) Still totally hilarious!
I am glad Guiness is doing better, and I understand about not wanting to do more tests right now. We went through that with Meeka for a time when she improved. It just seemed kinder to her, to our emotions (and to our wallets) to let her be as happy and comfortable as she could and enjoy that.
Really loved this post!
Ok, that training session with your husband had me just rolling on the couch laughing! Sounds just all too familiar. LOL I asked my husband to help me with filming Dare's jumping a while back and I emphasized the importance of keeping two jumps in the frame if possible so I could see her take-off and landing. When I watched the video, I had the first two jumps in the clip, but not Dare on the startline. She just came flying into the frame mid-air and I had no idea where her take-off was. LOL But I have to be thrilled that he is still game to come out and work with us at all. I know a lot of husbands who wouldn't even bother with the training.
So glad to hear Guiness is at least 50% better. Hopefully he continues to get better and be 100% soon.
I have to laugh about your startline stay with Miley. I did that a lot with my shelties and I knew exactly what your husband is doing because I have one exactly the same! Hahaha ...
First of all, yet another set of gorgeous pictures!!
Too bad you couldn't get one of the bobcat :(
LOL. You are going to have to teach your husband how to train a dog too!
I think your husband heard the word "pizza", and got distracted. LOL. I know I would. French fries, well I could take or leave those. Funny story.
I would've loved to have seen the bobcat - that is way too cool!
I hope upping the medicine helps Guiness and gets him closer to 100% better! It's great that he feels good enough to walk the flat park though. That's some progress!
I've been reading so many complaints about the USDAA Nationals and I asked Jenn about it yesterday and she said it was a great event in a great facility. She said the dust was created by so many really good and fast big dogs running and churning the dirt up and that by the weekend USDAA had fixed the problem. So you're right - you can't please everyone no matter how hard you try.
Very, very funny story about training with your husband!!!
SO much harder to train the husband than it is to train the dog.
I have had similar experiences with my husband. Loves the dogs, the dogs love him. A while ago I asked him to help with restrained recalls. I set him up on one end of the field, have him hold Fin and ran away, he let her go. I said, you are supposed to wait until I give the release word...he said, "I don't know why I have to hold her, she really wants to run to you." I'm like, "did you hear me say 'restrained' recall?"
There should be a video on how to train your dogs with your husband helping....that is a challenge, and I sure must be missing something because that does not work well around here! So funny. That is a very hard road to go down trying to make everyone happy, LOL, good luck with that one!!! LOVE the picture of those tree trunks and so glad Miley is at the point she could do a few things, bet she was in seventh heaven!
Oh Diana, I'm laughing so hard tears are running down my face and I'm trying not to make any noise because I"M AT WORK!!!
Great story!! It sounds like your pups continue to improve. That's got to be good news. And to have some fun training to go along with it!
Sounds like your babies are feeling better. How dare those Husbands who scare away bobcats.(lol)
We must FIRST train the husband before we can train the dog!!!
People can be way harder to train than dogs!
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