Thats better. Gota love the air conditioning vent.
So since we aren't doing any running or jumping, I decided to work on a couple of things. First I decided to train her to get in the box. Its the A-frame contact training that Rachel Sanders put in Clean Run May's issue. I made the box out of pvc. Its a big square that can be transferred to the a-frame. Since it seemed so hard to get her to hit that little mouse pad, I thought this might be easier. She can hit the mouse pad but when I transferred it to the a=frame she always slipped and slid trying to hit the pad on the a-frame. This gives them a much bigger area and shouldn't effect the stride like the little mouse pad. Plus what else do we have to do. I'm also training her to go around the back side of the jump. Ive seen that set up a couple of times where you are running straight at the jump , the dog has to go around the jump and jump back toward you. I'm putting it on cue, "around". It amazing how fast a dog learns. We started yesterday and she is already getting it. Some other things we are working on is getting all the dogs not to go crazy when someone walks in and out of the house. They just go crazy barking. I don't mind a little barking, but this is over the top. So several times a day we practice ringing the door bell and going in and out. I keep food near the door and they get rewarded for being calm.
I took Mickey to the vet yesterday. My appt. was a 5pm. They must have had a crazy day because a bunch of cars were parked in the grass. I guess the parking lot was full and they had to park some where. They looked a Mickeys tooth and said it needed to be pulled. They would rather do it under anesthesia because the roots are so long. So in a couple of weeks Ill get his teeth clean and have them pull the tooth. Mickey teeth actually looked good and had very little tarter.
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