Lets see, where do I begin. First , when I was at my parents house, my husband called and said the bed broke. I asked if Mickey was under the bed? He didn't know. My son went and looked. Mickey was under the bed. Lucky he was under the bottom end and not the top. The top was what fell, so he was ok. But the bed is still broken and now lying on the ground. So I either have to fix it or buy a new one. Beds cost to much money, so I will be fixing it. Next, Guiness will not leave his legs alone. He will probably be wearing that cone for at least the rest of the week. I did have to do some wet to dry dressing changes on his legs and theylook much better. I will be very happy to leave the cone behind. As I'm sure he will be too. But is is driving me crazy trying to keep him from his legs.
Third:Last night I went to a dinner for the agility committee members. You could bring your dogs if you wanted but I decided to leave mine at home. I put the dogs in their cages before I left because no one was at home. My son called me at 6pm and said he was now home. Did I want him to let the dogs out of their cages. I said he could. I got home at 7:30. The first thing on my mind was giving Mickey his seizure medication. I usually give all the dog peanut butter afterwards. When it was Mileys turn, she usually sits up and then stands on her back legs. She couldn't sit up. It was very weird. Then when she walked away , I saw that she was lame on her right back leg. She wouldn't put any weight on it at all. Needless to say I was very upset. Why did I let my son let the dogs out of their cages? I checked the bottom of her paw repeatedly, but there was nothing there. I checked her leg again and again and I couldn't find anything. When I fed them dinner, I gave Miley one of her Rimadyls she had left over from her spay. I crated her last night and today I haven't seen one sign of lameness. We didn't do our walks or any agility. I'm praying its ok. I probably will have a break down if she is lame like Guiness.
Last: I haven't been able to sleep since this past Tuesday. Every single night I cant sleep unless I take at least 2 benadryls or sonta. Sometimes I have trouble sleeping but usually if I take 1/2 a benadrly or 1/2 a sonta , I fall right asleep. And I usually don't have trouble every single night. Its usually only once in a while. Its driving me crazy because I feel so tired but I cant sleep. If it doesn't get better soon, I'm going to the doctor.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Hang in there. Sometimes it all seems to happen at once. But maybe focus on one thing at a time, and you will get through this. Possibly stress is part of the reason you can't sleep, but a doctor visit might be appropriate. For you AND for Miley!
Thanks Dawn. Diana
You've had lots of stress lately- it doesn't surprise me that you can't sleep! Take things one day at a time and focus on the positive.
I know if I take Benadryl too many nights in a row; it almost has the opposite effect! I know they say it is not habit forming; but I find I have to force myself to stop taking them and try to go to sleep normally!
I would be stressed also considering you almost lost your dog! Give yourself time to recover. I hope you feel better soon!
Cheers from Bernadette and the shelties in England.
Lots of times dogs are really lame one day and then fine in a day or two. I guess they trip over stuff or sleep on their leg weird sometimes just like we do. Even so I always freak out the second something seems wrong with one of my own pets. I guess it's because I see bad stuff sometimes, but I also see most stuff get better pretty easily. Good luck with the leg wounds!
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