I don't know why but my training with Miley has just been off for several weeks. I know it me , but I dont know why. I think that I'm disappointed that the running contacts didn't work out. I don't want a 2o/2o, I want a running. I hate when I cant accomplish something that I set my mind on. I'm not one to give up. So even though I'm training a 2o/2o, its still in the back of my mind of what I can do to fix the running contact. So I need to come to terms with this because its not fair to Miley. I put her on the board again today and this time I stood up. It didn't go as well as yesterday. She started the circling again. Well, not really circling me but constantly circling around on to the board, like she didn't know what she was doing. So I guess I need to go back a step. I took her to the field to practice. She went through 12 weave poles about 4 times without a problem. We did some sequences that she did pretty well on. I need to work on "out" and telling her sooner. I also need to make the table more fun. She really isn't driving to the table like I want her too. My husband went with me to the field. He said that when she leaves the table, you hear her nails scraping like she cant get traction to sprint off. He thinks that's why she doesn't like the table. I think that could be part of it, but I also think she doesn't like to stop. She wants to run, running is fun. So I need to make the table more fun. Not sure how right now but something to work on.
I finally broke down and bought a new vacuum cleaner. I have a hoover that I bought 16 years ago and it still works. But I've been noticing lately it just isn't picking up like it use to. The other day I cleaned my car after the agility trial. I vacuumed the mats. I then turned the mat over to get the grass off the bottom and a bunch of dirt fell out. So that pretty much said it all right there. Yesterday I went to Sears to test the 2 vacuums I had narrowed the search down to. One was a Kenmore (consumer reports best buy) and the other was a Dyson canister. I chose the Dyson. It was lighter and easier to move the head around. The only negative was the electrical cord is very short. I brought the vacuum home. Wow, my carpets are really dirty. It has sucks up so much dirt , I just cant believe it. The only problem is, now every time I see some dog hair, I want to vacuum it up. ( Don't worry, I resisted the temptation)
The barking birdhouse is working again. I read the directions ( imagine that) and it said that if the microphone gets wet , it will stop working. After it drys, it will start working again. And it did.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
I had a kenmore and hated it-too heavy and hard to handle, plus I kept clogging it up. Also I was reading my J&J flyer-it that Miley on the teeter on the last page? I didn't figure there were that many blue merle shelties named miley from SC but you never know!
Yes, thats Miley. Diana
Don't get too bummed out about training Miley. She is so smart and so fast - I'm sure she will get the 2o2o or will eventually get a running contact if that's how you chose to go. Did you try the game on the stairs in the house where you teach her to go up a couple steps and then say "bottom" and she hits her 2o2o on the last step (front feet on the floor)? I really love that game! Once she knows that "bottom" means 2o2o and she knows that is her job, then she'll just do it. I'm just saying that it has been working for me and mom - not that we are in a position to give advice - just trying to help you to not stress out about it all!
Thanks Ricky. Yesterday I took her in the yard and practiced the 2o/2o on the dogwalk with a target. It seemed to go pretty well. Then This morning we did the board work in the house and I think she is finally getting it. I probably will start doing the stair stuff too. Thanks, Diana
I see what you saying. Maybe some day Ill get to the point that I can quick release. Right now I she just doesnt understand that she needs to go all the through the contact. So thats why I need to change to the 2o/2o. I have a hit-it borad that Im also working on but I think Miley just wants to fly and that running contacts just arent going to work right now. ( as much as I want them to). I guess Ive been frusterated because I feel like Ive taken a huge step backwards. Plus I need to make it more fun. If its not fun for me, then its surely not fun for her. thanks, all tips welcomed. Diana
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