Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Box a-frame

Here is Miley's box work for the a-frame. She is pretty consistent about missing the box 1 in 7 times. This was yesterdays video. Tonight , I worked on running all the way down the line and she hit the box every time. In a couple of days I will put the box on the a-frame. The video is pretty boring. But if you see something I'm doing wrong, let me know.

Its so hot lately, its miserable! Its 90 degrees by 10am and sill 90 degrees at 10pm. The only time to work the dog is in the early morning. But the problem is the grass is wet with dew. Miley doesn't like running on it. Its slippery , which is dangerous. That means there is no good time to work. I ran her a little through the weave poles yesterday afternoon . She was so hot, she almost laid down in the baby pool. She was standing there and then went into a bow. I was so excited. But then she changed her mind. Drats!!

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