On Tuesday Miley had 2 loose stools before I went to work. Then at work I had to stay an hour later for a phone inservice. I was so mad. How hard is it to use a phone. How many times have you started a new job and no one taught you to use the phone. My husband said that most people haven't changed jobs as much as I have. Ha! By the time I got home , I open the door and the sweet smell of roses hits me. (not!!) Poor Miley had diarrhea in her crate. It was everywhere. I take her outside and she has more diarrhea. Then I decided to take the crate bedding outside to rinse off before putting them in the washer. I'm pulling the hose behind me because I want to rinse it in the back of the yard. (My husband used the hose this weekend) While pulling the hose the spray handle comes off in my hand and the hose some how hits my back. Full force water sprays down my back and going inside the back of my pants. Great! My poor husband got an ear full about that. So I finally get everything cleaned up including Miley. She continued to have diarrhea 6-8 more times that evening, but otherwise she was happy and playful. She wasnt happy that everytime she had a stool she had to get her bottom washed in the shower. I guess it turned out to be nothing because she slept all night and hasn't had a stool since. Probably nothing left inside her huh?
I worked Miley yesterday on just 3 jumps in collection. I put the jumps in different positions, straight lines, curves and pinwheels. She crashed the second jump the first time through and didn't want to do it again. Going the opposite direction wasn't an issue. So I move all the jumps to another place in the yard and then she seemed fine. She definitely doesn't like collection. She wants to run full out because that is fun , fun , fun. One thing I notice was that she could make the pinwheel going to the left, but when she went to the right she was wide. All this was done in collection with the jump post touching each other on the pinwheel. If I added any movement she went wide. At lease I know what to work on and what the problem is.
Snow Daze
2 days ago
Sounds like a full moon day - was it a full moon? It can only get better, I say...
She seems fine. I was worried because the stool smelled so bad, but after that eveing she never had any more. thanks, Diana
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