Guiness is still hitting alot of the bars when doing the cone cavaletti. I called the rehab place and they told me to put bells on his feet. I bought Velcro and bells from the craft store. I put them on, just above the hock. And it did help alot. He still hits sometimes but not as much. I have seen him limp a couple of time when outside on leash. But I'm not sure. When I'm watching him move at a nice trot, he looks better than he ever has. Places where I would usually see him limp, I have not. Any turning to the left would cause a limp, but I haven't seen that yet. So I still have my fingers crossed.
I'm still working with Miley on clicker training the leash trick. Yesterday she was c/t for pulling the leash off the post. I will probably work on that some more today to reinforce it a little better. We did a short training session on agility. Worked on "come to heel" over a jump. Which she kept wanting to go around. I had to set her pretty close to the jump or she went around. I will do a short session with this again today. We did a few rear crosses which she did well. She still likes to run wide open and go wide around the jumps. I want to encourage the speed but I need her to learn to collect to make the jumps. So I'm working on that too.
Miley still hates the car but its getting better. She is riding in the crate one way to a place and then I let her sit up front the other way. I know it is safer for her to be in a crate but I need to get her pass this hating the car attitude first.
Snow Daze
2 days ago
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