Friday, April 11, 2008


Guiness is home. Everything seems fine. He is allowed to be off leash in the house. So far I haven't seen any limping. He looked fat to me when I first saw him, but I think it was just his coat. They had just washed him so his coat was all puffed out and he has some under coat that needed to be removed. When I weighed him he was less than when I brought him there. He doesn't have to go back to rehab, I just have to call them at week 4 and let them know how he is doing. Here is he rehab work schedule for home:
Week #1 (2) 20 minutes trots going directly to 5 minutes of the cone cavalletti
Week #2 (2) 15 minutes Flexi lead at all three gaits, walk trot and canter. Increase time by 3 minutes every other day
Week #3 (6) 50 yard sprints and agility training at 1/3 intensity level ( only straight lines)
Week #4 Flexi lead hikes increase agility training intensity to 2/3
Week #5 full training intensity

For the next 7 days he is to take Previcox (NSAID) once a day because he will be doing more activity at home then he was doing there. This is just a precaution. After the 7 days I can use it as needed. Lets say that he got in the back yard and ran full out to chase a squirrel, then I should give him one pill that day. He is to take Trixsyn for another 1-2 months then I can stop. He is also to take SynoviG3 for the rest of his life.

I took him for his trot last night about 8pm. When I was walking back up the street my neighbor let his Lab/pit mix dog out without a leash. He is a mean dog. He comes tearing down the street barking a growling. ( great I just got my dog out of rehab and here we go) I turn around and yell "stop" and sprayed my mace. The dog did stop but the mace didn't work very well. It only went about 2 feet and then got on my hands. The neighbor called his dog and I went to the house. I washed my hands but they continued to burn until I went to sleep. They were fine this morning but after I took a shower it started all over again. I have had lots of problems with my neighbors dogs being off leash. I have called animal control multiple times. I even have the dogs on video tape running around the neighborhood in case some thing ever happens.

Today I'm going to make the cone cavalettis. When I get them done I will video tape Guiness doing them. They are really cool. They work much better then ladder work.


Jules said...

Glad Guinness is doing well.

Can't wait to see the cone cavelettis - I am working on rear-em awareness with my boy!

Cat, Tessie, & Strata said...

For mace or pepper spray to work, you need to empty it right into their faces. It only goes about a foot at best.