I was so happy to wake up this morning and realize its Friday. I dont have to get up early tomorrow and I can have the whole day to myself. Then I remembered, I have to help with the 5K (I think its 5) run at my school on Saturday morning. O'well that was short lived.
Its been another loooong week. And it just wont stop raining. The only day it stopped was Tuesday. I guess thats better than nothing. Because of the rain, Monday's co-op class was moved to Tuesday. There was only one other person there besides me. So I set up a jumpers course and just kept getting the off course tunnel entrancee. Ugh!
I lead out and stayed to the left and RC at 4. The first time that worked great. Then we got the off course tunnel entrancee at 12. Then the next time I ran it, I decided to FC between 5-6 so I could be ahead to try and FC again at 11-12 to get the correct tunnel entrance. Well than after 4, she kept going into the tunnel. I would call her, she would turn and look at me, and then still take the off course tunnel entrance. After doing that several times, I put her up and ran the other lady's dog thinking that Miley just wanted to do things her way. So then I ran her again, off course tunnel entrance. Ugh!! I stopped right then and there. Just stood there thinking."Why is this happening?" After about a minute , it hits me. The FC is to late so when she see me, when Im calling her, Im still fulling facing the tunnel. All my body motion is telling her she is right, and keep going. Im running that way, my shoulders are that way. Poor dog. All my fault. I felt terrible. I bet it took me 5 times of running to figure out what I was doing wrong. So then I lead out pass 2, it may have been 3, I cant remember and did a call to heel type thing. That way I was ahead enough to easily FC 6-7, and ahead enough for a FC to 11-12. No more off course tunnel entrances. Did you make it thur reading all that?? LOL Then at 7pm someone else showed up , so I set up a standard course. I didnt do well on that either. She jumped her a-frame contact several times. I think I finally left at 8:30. I was beat. I felt like such a failure at running my dog. I cant keep her on course if my life depended on it and Ive wasted a lot of money on seminars trying to figure this thing out.
Then the next night I taught the beginning agility class. It had rained all day but stopped in the afternoon. I figured I wasnt going to have them run. We were going to work on the teeter and the weaves. I think I left that night after 8pm again. I did run Miley just a bit. I set up 4 jumps , two on each side going to a tunnel. She got every tunnel entrance I gave her. RC behind the jump , pulling and pushing. She got them all. So it must be me. But it did make me feel better that she at least under stood what I wanted.
I was so tried yesterday when I finished work. I went home, ate dinner and fell asleep. I got up in time to go the our dog club meeting. I needed to ask for money to replace equipment that the AKC has made rule changes to. So now wing jumps must be at least 16 -24 inches wide. One of our was 15 inches wide. Plus they changed the tunnel pitch to 4 inches. So we have to buy 4 new tunnels even though there is nothing wrong with the old tunnels. Next they have changed the chute lenght. It has to only be 6 feet long. ( I think that is weird) Times are tough and the AKC is making buy new equipment. Go figure. In the meeting we also toured the new building we are moving to. Its in the same place as the old one, just a few doors down. I was really disappointed. Its a huge space and everyone kept talking about how great it is. Yea, but not for agility. So whats the point. It could be used for agility but they dont want to spend the money on the matting. Which I know its a lot of money but still.... So next week, we loose the field and then I have no where to go to full out run my dog. That sucks. Its the only reason Im in the club. So if cant find a new place for me to work my dog, Im probably going to quit. Im not going to do all this work , running classes and trials and not even have a place to practice with my own dog. Its bad enough that that the club doesnt offer agility classes for me to take to help me get better. In stead ,I have to stand there after running my dog poorly for 5 times and figure it out myself. Ugh!
Then I signed up for the SG Recallers class. I hope its worth it. Im already behind. It started last night. I did read the stuff and but I only got to work the game once last night. You are suppose to do it three times in 5 different places. So I guess Ill be one day behind.
Someone asked me about my son a week or so ago. He is about the same. He keeps thinking he is going to pass. Im not sure how, Ive seen his grades. I guess he'll be going to "the school of hard knocks" next.
Im looking forward to Sunday and doing nothing!!
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Hope you get some sunshine on Sunday!
Sorry to hear about your club. That must be really frustrating.
Why is AKC changing the tunnels? Are they in cahoots with the equipment companies?
Sorry about your club losing the practice field and then not having an agility building. That sucks. And then AKC making everyone buy new equipment doesn't make sense when it is not a safety issue.
I am looking forward to hearing how you like the Recallers course once you get into it!
That JWW course looks fun and very difficult to keep a fast dog like Miley out of the tunnel! I think you did great since you were able to figure out on your own what was going wrong - who cares how many times you tried it - you still did figure it out!!!
Ugh! That sounds really stupid about the building. I don't blame you for wanting to move on. I mean, if there isn't even a space for you to benefit from it, why bother? It's not being selfish, it's being practical.
That jumpers course looks difficult. I could see Layla constantly taking the wrong tunnel entrance.
The recallers course looks awesome! I wanted to do it last time, but it's too much money. Everyone raves about it though, so hopefully you'll find it as great as they do.
Enjoy your Sunday!
WOW,that really sounds like a HECK of a week!!! TGIF!!!!
So sorry about your club!
We have a lot rain lately and I don't like it at all. Hope you have a better weather on Sunday and everything goes better.
What a week! Glad that you have that Sunday free to rest up!
Well, glad THAT week is done! Hope it's sunny all day for you today and that you get to do something fun! LOVE the header...of you and her running through the water. Just a great shot!
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