Wow, what a long day!! Im beat and my body is killing me. Is my dog tired? NO. We did 5 runs and when we she came in the house, she brought me her ball to throw. Crazy dog. I got to the trial at 6:30am. Everything went pretty well. Our first run was Exc. Jww. It didnt go to well. Everything I worry about , never seems to be the problem. Then the things I take for granted, she misses. LOL. I think Ive decided that I need to go train with someone for a week this summer. Every day for a private lesson to teach me how to handle my dog. Because I just cant seem to do it. What the heck is wrong with me.
It was going to be hard to get that turn over the double (7) to the weaves. But she did it, to bad she missed the weave poles. I had to bring her back. Then for some reason she crashed jump 13. I dont know if I did something that caused it. I was front crossing here to try and not get the wrong tunnel entrance but I got it anyway.
Next up was standard. I was in both rings at the same time which drives me crazy but that just how it is. Ann Braue is out our trial and I had sent her an email asking her to watch Miley's table and see if she can see if its something Im doing. My standard run wasnt very good either. She didnt get on the a-frame, so for the rest of the day, I kept thinking is she hurt. She always gets on the a-frame. She got on it with no problem in Fast. So I dont know why she missed it here. I guess she did get on it when I was trying to bring her around, she got on the wrong way, so then I had to put her in the back side of the tunnel.
So I told Ann, I just needed her here to watch and that go Miley on the table.
It was a long wait until Fast. She was flying but we got the wrong tunnel entrance on the distance part. I signed up for the a-match that was at the end of the trial. Man, that judge made the courses really hard. What the heck? The excellent JWW, Ive never heard so many people complain. I think it was also late, we were all tired. Several people didnt run it they way it was numbered. But I figured what the heck. Of course we got thur the hard part, the beginning. Then I messed up the easier parts. I was trying to make a front crossed and pushed off a jump. I dont know why I thought that was the thing to do. I cant find my course map, so here is one I made. Not sure its correct.
Then it was the long wait until standard. I think I finally ran at 7pm at night. My legs were killing me. She jumped on the table , off the table, stressed circled. I told her to "come front" and she did. I told her table. She got on , I waited the table count and ran out of the ring. Crap.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Oreo always wants to play ball when we get home from an exhausting day too. So bizzare.
I hope things go well today Diana. I think you had a lot of really good moments out there!
After this, I think you need to send yourself to the spa for a few days for massage and water therapy!
Such a long day and five runs and Miley still wanted to play ball? Silly girl! I think there were tons of good things in your runs! You guys have improved a lot as a team - you definitely don't give yourself enough credit!
Good luck with everything today!!!
I love that first run it was gorgeous, I wonder if it seemed you were starting your cross while it looked like Miley was in the air and then I thought it looked like she just hurried a bit maybe thinking you were going somewhere. It was a gorgeous run and Miley looked so confident as did you. Love the first time she went on the table, and love how you got her settled down and thinking when she circled the table, that looked so good-that looked like a pretty good trial, just had to be hard with such a long day.
LOVE her enthusiasm at the startline! She just loves agility so much. Gorgeous runs, I love watching Miley run.
And Miley has improved so much with the table, you're doing such a great job with her!
Wow, what a long day!
Did Ann say anything about her table?
I can't get the videos to play on my phone, but whenever I can make it over to the computer I'll watch them.
Hope the rest of the weekend is a success!
We ran a variation of that JWW course a few weeks ago (same judge) - not the match one but the other one. Whisper was showing her symptoms of Lyme then and we didn't Q (of course I didn't realize it was Lyme then). I bet your standard course was interesting today.
I had a dog that table bounced and circled for over a year. She just retired at 13 years of age with her MACH9. Miley will get it. One thing I did (and everyone had a solution was to put her on the table while I was setting up my sequences. She just laid calmly on the table and periodically I went back and gave her a treat and said something nice. The rest of the time I was ignoring her while I set up. I stopped doing all kinds of "special" things. 5 seconds seemed really short in the trials and her table issue went away.
Good luck!!!
wow, Miley got on the table, that's great! Not too much running around in circles. A pretty good end to the day, I'd say.
Wow! Those were some hard courses! Who was the judge?
I love Miley :-)
The judge for the A-match was Abbie Hanson. The other judges for our trial were Jill Roberts and Pam Cummings. Diana
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