On Friday I went to Savannah with my kids to see my parents. We had a great time. We went to the Savannah Theater and saw a show called, "The Beat goes on". It was fantastic. They sang and danced to music of the 60's, 70's and 80's. Some of the songs you get to sing along with and sometimes they pull an audience member into the show. Its great fun and full of happiness. So if you ever go to Savannah, I recommend this theater. They do about 4-5 different shows every year. They are all musical and there is a small band on stage. The band is very talented and some of the members sing too. The guy playing the electric guitar did the "Footloose" them song and he must have very elastic tendons and ligaments in his legs to be able to move like that.
I came back home Saturday evening and the dogs, who stayed home with my husband, were beside themselves. The had so much pent up energy. And I was lazy and didn't feel like playing and walking them. (A combination for disaster). I went out in the yard and was moving the sprinkler around when my neighbors came home and were standing in their front yard. Their front yard connects to my back yard because my house sits forward. Well Guiness went crazy barking and spinning at the fence line and Micky got caught up in all this and that turned into a dog fight. This is all my fault. I should have been paying better attention. Usually I tell Micky "danger" so he know to get away. But it was to late. At least I had the hose in my hand. So Mickey got bit on the head. He had a small cut on top of his head and below his eye was slightly swollen. I washed him up, gave him some pain mediation and antibiotics. The next morning the swelling was gone but he wouldn't come out from under the bed. He spent most of the day under the bed unless I pulled him out. He is doing better today but he still is spending more time under the bed then usual.
So new plan. Ive been feeling sorry for Guiness because of his injury and not getting to play agility and all. He came from rescue with issues and doing a lot of exercising with him was very helpful with alot of these issues. But feeling sorry for anyone is not helpful at all. Ive been letting him get away with behavior that I normally would not tolerate. So I will now have to rein him in. He will have more structured time with me and I will up his walking time. I also had put a garden fence on that side of the yard because he would circle the trees and I felt like it was hurting his leg. He seem better lately so I took the fence down. What I realized yesterday was the it was protection for the chihuahuas. They could get inside the garden fence area but the shelties could not , plus it kept Guiness farther way from the regular fence line. I put the garden fence back up yesterday.
Poor Micky. Miley keeps trying to play with him because they are best buds. But Mickey wont play. Hopefully he will be back to himself soon and I didn't traumatize him for life. I feel so guilty!
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