Friday, June 20, 2008

Miley's new coat

Mileys coat made it here in time for the seminar. It is kinda stiff and I washed it several times. I'm sure it will get softer the longer you use it. We have been lucky with the weather for a couple of days. A cold front came through but all that means it that the humidity may go down. Well Wednesday and Thursday morning it was great. No humidity and in the mid 60's. I even had to put a sweat shirt on. So because it was so cool I decided to go to the practice field. Last week I had decide not to go anymore this summer because it was just to hot and humid. Miley could only run maybe twice and then looked wiped out. The practice field is 30 miles from my house. So it just didn't seem worth it. But yesterday we went and were at the field by 7:30am.( you still have to be out early because it still hit 94 degrees that day) She ran great. We did all the obstacle's and she had such speed and focus. I'm not saying things were perfect but they were pretty good.

That evening I took the dogs to the state park. We usually walk there several times a week. But yesterday we were able to go so much farther. The trail has a lot more grades the further to go into the park. The dogs were finally tired!!!


Chris and Ricky said...

Miley's coat looks "cool"! Hope it works well. We also hope you had a great time at the seminar and learned lots!

Johann The Dog said...

How cute! Gracie and I have one of the Cool Coats too! They help some during trials, but it's the humidity that gets to me, not so much the heat!

Jules said...

I love the pic of the dogs completely conked out.

Ike has a coat like Miley's; He doesn't tolerate the heat well at all. Can't wait to hear how the seminar went.