Sunday was very stormy day. Its very dark out. The sky looks blue but its really dark storm clouds.
The pelicans really liked flying along the water. There were tons of them. I tried for a really cool shot but never got one.
The dogs didnt care they had a great time.
Sorry I like pictures of Java running. LOL
This picture is from Saturday.
Poor Ginn, he never gets to be off leash.
Back to Sunday.
We went back out that afternoon to see if the dolphins are out. They were but the were strand fishing on the other side. So to far to get cool pictures. Then it started pouring down rain and we had to go.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
I love the photo of Miley on top of the dune, and Java below. Those merlie girls really look amazing against the colors on the beach.
The stormy sea and sky photos are really cool and I also love the one that Sara loves. I wish Ricky could run on a beach like that!
Chris, Ricky just needs another dog chase him or for him to chase! LOl
The pictures are awesome!!!
Eva loves to run on the beach but she is always lonely. I think she is like Ricky who needs a playmate.
Katie needs a playmate too!!! I like that dune picture as well...great colors in all of them!
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