So here is my 2 cents on volunteering at trials. If people dont volunteer, the trial cant run. If you want to go to trials and run your dog, you have to volunteer. Ive never been to a trial where the 20 inch dog class took 4 hours, like Steve stated on his blog. I would hate to work that class. I have worked a 20 inch class that lasted 2 hours. They gave us double coupons for working. That was nice. Have I worked every trail I have been to? No. Why, usually I wait until I get there and fill in as needed. But they never called for workers needed. Or when I got over there, someone else wanted to do it. It didnt have anything to do with the "thanks" or rewards offered. I dont find working stressful. I like being ring crew, to get an up close view of things. Leash runner is easy and anyone can do it. But you have to be careful. Some people fling their leash and Ive seen someone almost get hit in the face with a leash. It definitely made me more aware of where I drop my leash when Im at the line. At our trials we offer worker coupons for working. It can be very busy and I think most people in charge of the coupons, try really hard to give out the coupons and thanks. But if I didnt get my coupon, I would go ask for it. I wouldnt sit there mad that I didnt get it. I think people working trials, work very very hard to do the right thing. At our trials we also give out worker gift bags for people who go over the top to work. We usually give out about 15 worker bags on a weekend. They have dogs treats, human treats, poop bags, first aid kits ect... in them.
Here is my week three weave pole challenge. I did it last week. I dont know why I cant catch up. It was 95 degrees out, so we are kinda slow. LOL
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
You call that slow! Geez.
Great thoughts about volunteering; I think volunteers are so important to trials, we couldn't do it without them! I volunteer when I'm needed and I also enjoy it.
Miley has awesome weaves! How did you train them originally?
I used WAM's. I later on did entry work with 2X2's.
Good point that, when you work the various jobs, you better appreciate what goes into them and how you can help to make their lives easier.
This volunteer conversation on the Clean Run List was hot and heavy! Interesting to hear all of the different perspectives and perceptions about the role of volunteering. There are always going to be people that volunteer hard core, and those that opt out. We can just hope that there are more of the former, and less of the latter and that it all works out!
Great video on the weave pole challenge. I am working my young dog right now on 2x2's, but I like the idea of adding a jump or tunnel to make the entry more challenging (even though we are still only on our first set of 2x2's!) Nice job!
Excellent job Miley!
95 is way too hot! We prefer the 70s but hear we are in for some hot weather this week.
Totally agree about working the trials and I agree with Sara about your version of slow weaves. LOL You crack me up.
excellent's that way in every sport...the few loyal volunteers and then everyone else. I've volunteered at races (for runners) and it always inspires me to get back out there running. I'd volunteer at trials too, I think, just to be able to watch the runs!
EXTRA CREDIT POINTS for weaves in the heat and 12 weaves. I am going to add in doing 12 weaves either before we do our challenges or some in the challenges, or something because with all our weave work we are getting EXCELLENT entries but I do not want Cricket to think weaves just come in 6 packs. Good post about volunteering, I like to fill in when I am there because with a baby dog sometimes I want to be available to her because everything is going to be new for her, and we will be working out our I hate to commit not knowing what is going on but I do like to fill in as needed when it works out.
It's true, agility can be a risky sport even for the volunteers! I too am more careful what I do with my leash after having leash run a few times. :-)
Love her weaves -- what a great series of exercises to work through.
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